Chapter 4

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After I calmed down, I washed my face and changed into my Pajamas to go to sleep. It was 1 A.M and Lea was still not back from the party. She was probably doing it with Jack right now, freakin slut! She knew I liked him, she knew how important this day was for me, but she still betrayed me like that. What hurts the most is that she knew about my past, and I forgave her for what she did to me two years ago.

*****Two years ago***

I was dating a guy named Steven in high school for two years. I can’t say that I loved him but he was my first kiss. He always wanted to have sex with me but I was not ready to do it with him yet. I wanted to wait until I was in love. That didn’t stop him from telling the whole school that I did it with him. Because of my decisions he would always leave me to sleep with other girls. I knew that he cheated on me many times, but I was afraid to say anything to him because he would always hit me if I left him.

 One day, as he was driving to one of the girl’s house to have another affair with her, he got into a car accident and passed away. I drove to the hospital to see Lea standing there next to him. He was going to her house that night. She was my best friend and she was sneaking around with my boyfriend.

 After a year of not talking to her, I finally forgave her for what she did. Unlike me, she was in love with Steven and was jealous because she was not able to have him like I did. She lost her virginity to him and after his death she became pregnant with his child. Everyone would call her a slut, and I knew that if I didn’t help her, she wouldn’t have anybody with her. Sadly, she had a miscarriage and that was the year that she lost Steven and her child. I knew what she did was wrong, but I felt sorry for her. I forgave her for her mistakes and we were able to become friends again.

 **** Present time***

After 30 minutes of laying in my bed I heard the door open. I pretended to be asleep as I heard Lea come in and change into her Pajamas. She then turned off the light on her side of the bed and fell asleep. She hurt me again and I know I wouldn’t be able to forgive her that easily this time.

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