Chapter 18

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Violet POV
I woke up earlier then usual because I wanted to study more for my test today. All I could think about last night was the double date with Lea and Jack. What kind of bullshit idea was this? I did not want to so this but they kept on pressuring me. This was also my second date with Cameron, and I did not even know what to wear. Knowing Lea, she would wear a gorgeous designer dress that she bought with her daddy's credit card. I myself had to work for the things that I got and although I work hard I didn't get much. plan now is to get myself ready and go to the coffee lounge to study.

I tip toed my way out of the room since Lea was still sleeping and made my way to the lounge. Helpless college kids were sitting there trying to stay awake while studying for their classes. At the very end of the room, I saw Mallory sitting on Johnson's lap, and I decided to make my way towards them.

"Hey guys what's up?" I said approaching them.

"Violet, how have you been?" she got off Johnson's lap and moved closer to me.

"Well you girls have fun, I'm going to get myself a drink."

As I watched Johnson walk towards the coffee bar, Mallory hugged me, "I missed you!! Did things get better with you and Jack? Johnson told me that he is still with that bitch Lea."

"Haha she is not a bitch, I forgave her, and plus he choose to be with her so I can't really blame her."

She raised her hands up in surrender, "You could be her friend, but she is not a true friend because no real friend would do that."

I know what Lea did was wrong, and I could never truly forgive her. But I didn't want to end our friendship over a guy. She was the one that taught me how to kiss, the one who I was able to trust with my problems, the one who showed me how to use a pad for the first time. She was like a sister to me and I was able to trust her with my life. The day I saw her in the hospital, standing beside Steven hurt me more. She knew the cruel things he would do to me, how he would hit me multiple times because I refused to have sex with him.

***flashback to the night of Steven's death****

"Ma'am, we are sorry to inform you that Steven got into an accident and he is in critical condition," the voice said on the other line of the phone.

I dropped the phone and quickly made my way to the hospital with tears streaming down my face.

We went to a party that night, and he got drunk and took me to a room. He touched my thighs and made his way up my body, while slamming his strong body on me against the wall. "No! Steven, you wreck of alcohol, come on let's get you home," I said trying to push him away but he wouldn't stop hurting me. "Steven get the fuck off me!" I pushed him harder which finally stopped him. "Enough with this shit! You are my girlfriend and you will do as I say," he said holding on to me by my hair. " I wasn't able to move my body, he was too strong and I was afraid he would kill me. I spit on his face and quickly ran out of the room before he could hurt me anymore. "Fuck you Violet! I will just go screw another!" he said before I slammed the door on him. But I didn't care, I was afraid of him and didn't want to be around him anymore.

When I finally arrived to the hospital, I made my way to his room number pushing everyone aside. I felt like it was my fault that he was in here. As I came inside the room, I saw him laying on the bed with his eyes closed and Lea holding his hand. "It's too late, he is gone," she said wiping her tears. "What are you doing here Lea?" She didn't answer and just continued to cry. "Lea, What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, Violet...I'm so sorry, I should have told you..."

My heart stopped at that moment, my own best friend would sleep with the same guy who would hit me. She knew the pain he caused me, and she tried to convince me to break up with him but all this time I thought she did that because she cared for my safety. However, she only did that because she loved him.

***end of flashback***

"Violet, are you okay?" Mallory said tapping my arm, "you kind of dozed off for a second."

"Huh? Yea I'm fine, I'm just really tired."

"Listen...don't worry about this whole Jack thing, he is just a dumb little child. Anyways...I heard you and Cameron are a thing now, tell me about that how is it like dating such a hottie," she said giggling.

I couldn't help but blush, "haha we are not a thing, we just went on ONE date. But...we are going on another one on Friday night."

"Ooh fun!!" Mallory said excited but I laughed at her statement. "It is NOT fun! It's going to be a double date with Jack and Lea."

She bit her lip, "ooh yea that's not good. Why the hell would you agree on going on a double that with them?!"

"I didn't want to, they forced me to do it and now I have no choice," I signed, "plus I don't even know what to wear."

"Well you can NOT look worse then Lea, come over my room after your classes and we will pick out an outfit for you."

"You would really do that?! You don't have to, really it's oka-"
I couldn't say much since Mallory interrupted me. "Violet, really I would love to help you. Just come over and we will pick something out for you. Here, give me your phone so that way you could text me when you're done." I handed her the phone and while she was typing it down, I looked down my watch. Shit, class starts in 5 minutes and I wasn't even able to study. "Here you go, text me when you are out," Mallory said while reaching in for a hug from me. "You are honestly my life savior, thank you so much!" I said as I packed my bag and ran to class.

I honestly didn't even know how I was going to do on this test. I got so carried away was the date on Friday that I forgot to study this morning. I took my seat next to Jack as usual as the teacher was passing around the test. "Morning cutie, good luck," he said shooting a wink at me. "I will need all the luck I can get honestly," I said under my breath.

"Okay class, you may began your test, you have the whole class period to finish it. Good luck to all!"

I quickly turned over my test paper, and I was able to tell that I was screwed. What the hell was this shit? I never even learned this! I quickly glanced at Jack and he realized that I was not able to understand this freakin test. Luckily he moved his paper closer for me to see his answers. I copied down his work while the teacher wasn't looking and let out a sign of relief once I finished. I honestly hope we do good because if these answers were wrong, then we might get caught for cheating.

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