Chapter 15

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Violet Paisley POV

Cameron took me out of the campus tonight , which was nice since I wasn't able to get out as much with all my school work in the way.

"Where are you taking me?" I said to him while smiling as he opened his rented car door. "Well I thought for our FIRST date, we could go to fancy restaurant. But, I promise you for our next date we will go somewhere more exciting." He said sarcastically.

I laughed, "How are you so sure there will be a next date?"

He looked into my eyes before starting the car, "I'm sure there will be."

I could tell that he was experienced with the whole dating thing. While my heart was beating, he seemed really chill and relaxed.

We came inside the restaurant, and he moved the chair for me to sit. He was very respectful and acted like such a gentlemen. Our date was perfect, he was so funny and nice and him being hot was a bonus.

After dinner, he brought me home because he didn't want us to get caught after curfew. He grabbed me by my hand and started leading me to my room. Once we arrived to my room, he looked into my eyes and started to lean towards me.

Jack Gilinsky POV

Tonight I decided to spend my time in Violet and Lea's room. When I saw Violet and Cameron in her room I got jealous so I walked out of the room. I couldn't stand them being together. I knew how Cameron was, he would do anything to get as many girls as he can to his bed. He was a nice guy but he is also known as a huge flirt and he had lots of experience with other girls.

Once they left on their little date, I walked back to their dorm. I told Lea that I wanted to spend with her, but really I was waiting for Violet to come back from her date with Cam. I knew he would walk her back to her room, he wouldn't usually bring his dates to his bed the first night, especially girls like Violet. It was already 11 pm and they still were not back from their date. What the hell could they be doing out so late?

Lea and I were watching a movie in her room, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Violet was doing with him. "Ugh where are they?" I said to Lea. "Jack calm down, they are on a date, who knows what they might be doing ?" she said winking at me. But I was not able to calm down, I couldn't stop thinking about her. "Listen, I'm going to go take a shower, so don't miss me too much baby," she said kissing my cheek while walking into the bathroom. I began walking back and forth around the room thinking about what they could be doing out so late, until I heard their voice outside the door. I looked out the peep hole and saw Violet and Cam standing outside the door. Until I noticed Cameron leaning in to kiss her.

Idiot that I am, I opened the door causing them to pull away before they kissed. They both turned around to look at me and it was so awkward. "Omg you guys!!! I didn't know you were back already , I was just about to go to our room." I said laughing nervously clearly lying to them.

"I guess I should get inside too, I had a good time Cameron," she said kissing his cheek. She then looked at me pissed and said ,"Good night Jack!"

I could tell they were both mad at me for stopping them from kissing but I didn't care. I couldn't stand her kissing someone else. I liked her way too much for that.

College boy - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now