Chapter 19

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Violet POV

"Time is up class! Pens down and pass your papers up," the professor said as I got up to hand in my test.

"How do you think you did?" I asked Jack while biting my lip.

"Don't worry WE did good," he said confidently.

I felt bad for copying from him."Thanks again for helping me out."

"Honestly, it's no problem, I would do anything for you," he told me while staring deep into my eyes. Usually, he would crack a joke and say something flirty but this time he looked serious. "You know, I really think you should repay me for helping you out on the test."

I bit my lip, "oh yea and what would you like Jack."

"I don't know yet, when I think of something I will let you know," he said smiling at me. "So what are you doing after your classes?"

"I'm chilling with Mallory, she is gonna help me pick out an outfit for Friday," I said trying to remind myself to text her after school.

"Cool, I'll stop by."

"Woah NO! I'm going to pick out something to wear, so you can't see it."

He laughed, "aww how cute, you want to surprise me. Don't worry I'm sure that you will be BEYOND beautiful."

I turned my face away so he wouldn't have to see me blush. "Ok jack, I will talk to you later. I have to get to my next class," I said walking away from him. As I walked away, I turned my head back to see him still standing there looking at me. He had his hands in his pockets and licked his lips while staring back at me. I did the same until I eventually cracked a smile and officially went to my next class.


"Okay let's pick out something for you!" Mallory said while opening up her closet. Everything she had was so beautiful, from dresses to shoes to sexy tops, she had every girls dream closet. "My gosh, Mallory, this is...AMAZING."

"Well, I have a couple of dresses that I think might fit you, here try them on," she said handing me a few items of clothing.

I went inside the bathroom while Mallory flopped on her bed texting Johnson of course.

I changed to the dresses and zipped them up, but none of them looked good on me. Finally, after an hour of trying on different types of clothes I found a perfect purple dress that was skin tight on me. It was strapless and extremely short but it was absolutely beautiful. I smoothed out the dress and came out of the bathroom to get Mallory's opinion.

"Holy shit! You look like SEX, oh my god," she said dropping her phone and looking at me.

I bit my lip, "Are you sure? It's not too slutty? I don't want to look like I am trying too hard, you know."

"Trust me, this is the one, it is beautiful. Look at your body!!! You are wearing this, I don't care!"

I laughed, and looked at myself in the mirror again. I did look good in the dress. "Ok...I will wear it!" I said after debating for ten minutes.

"This will make Jack drool," she said winking at me.

"No, no this is NOT for Jack, I am doing this for...myself," I said trying to reassure her but she didn't believe me. Whatever... I was excited that I finally got a dress to wear for the double date.

When I came back to my room, I got startled when I saw Jack laying on my bed. "What the hell, JACK! What are you doing here?"

He laughed, "Calm down, I just came here. Lea gave me the keys to the room so I decided to visit."

"Well, Lea has a late class today so she wouldn't be back yet," I said putting my stuff on the couch.

"I didn't come here for Lea, I wanted to see the dress you got," he said still laying down on my bed with his legs crossed.

"I told you, I'm not going to show you! You will see on Friday."

"Damn it, okay then come lay down next to me. Tell me how your day went, we usually never have time to talk about anything but school," he said patting the seat next to him on the bed.

"Well, this is MY bed," I said doing as he said, "and what is there to really talk about?"

"How is it going with you and Cameron?" he asked silently. After a minute of looking up at the ceiling I finally responded, "it's fine I guess, he is a sweet guy." He looked down disappointed and nodded his head. I quickly changed the subject and started to ask him questions about his life, family, and friends. It was easy to talk to him, and time flew by fast, before long it was already late and Lea was still not back from her class. "It's getting late Jack, I think you should be heading back now," I said grabbing his hand and leading him towards the door.

"I had fun," he said before he leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. I instantly turned red, and again turned around so he wouldn't see me.

"Good night Jack!" I said as I was closing the door.

"Good night cutie."

College boy - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now