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                                 The wind blown too strong through that she felt the rain has soon to be poured. Left side her maid supports her to walk , she noticed the small cave.

"Ivy look over there its better us get in there for while". she states in one line go don't think she has a left any  energy in her body to explain well.  its just quite small space more over 4 people able to stand.  ivy put her ladyship to sit on cornerstone but slitther land on the floor.

"pull it together yourself"   she grab ivy hand who was offer hand to help dalvina. ivy look confused of her words on this circumstances while she got wounded on her through arrows. ivy check on her left hand which is filled with blood grasp on her wound ribs even though it still her blood leaking. 

" you should listen to me now.  I am the one who was the responsible for. i will not let you involve in this, Let the blame will lay on me. you should get out of here before the  dawn." ivy got panicked at her words what she going to be say next.

"you should leave the forest immediately, just hide somewhere safe. after then you may go to my brother's place , he will protect you."  dalvina requested her for sake of ivy safe.

"But ... how can i?" ivy refuses and dalvina knew before she surely denied.  

" I order you to go away from here to left behind me."  dalvina still maintain her stern voice and make ivy realise how stubborn she is and she left.  

After she left, she loosen her grasp and the wound still looks fresh but the blood reduced from the spill.  she can able to breath relief after loosen her grasp.  

On the snap of second the masculine man infront of her with small dragger. 

"I know who was you sent by" her breath starts to get unstable not for afraid because of perfidy. she pull herself steadily and face him with so much of guts.

"And i knew as well why are you here for, you may not quit until you make sure of my dead"  she aware of who was he send by . The second prince CARLOS BALLARD ZADKIEL.  because the man who stand infront of her is his loyal guard . beside him and king he won't roger anyone command and he is the shot her with the arrow.

"I will not let you take my life." she smirks at him. 

"Its better to take my life on my own . give it to me which you may want my death. i will grant your wish."  her breath slowly raising and down. he gave the small pot and without delay she drank the whole and doesn't bother what kind of poison is . 

"Leave. before someone witnessed you."  as she told he left. Slowly, the poison she drank working on her body and she felt burning sensation the way of esophagus and her every nerve torn out into the pieces inside slowly something erupting in her head causing to lead her eyes to  close. she sense something silence through the air but the sound of rain will increase she heard.  

Too loud thunder sound wakes her  eyelid. she saw the shadow of someone at entrance and she turns her side and recognize the man , the one who she badly want to see her last minute.

                      The Third prince  ARSENIO BALLARD ZADKIEL.  Her husband.

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