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Prince arsenio still visible the scene happened in the woods where elaine embrace him in her arms while jonah told the task was completed. He watching them with fair distance what they are upto. why would they expect prince arsenio presence in the deep forest instead of celebrating his victory in the white fort.

   Hearing from prince arsenio's word , ivy blood boil in her veins even though  it didn't matter how much elaine hate dalvina. It wasn't supposed to do among the family members

"How ridiculous she is?"she curse under her breath. Her glare lay on the prince arsenio who recalled the incident by himself then , the question raised in her chest.

"But i wonder why the prince arsenio couldn't sort out this mess thought his wife till not yet or shouldn't be necessary him to tell her about her cousin's vengenance." maybe dalvina wasn't the state to discuss about this mentally either physically but he knew she waited for his visit after her awaken. why couldn't he do that?

"The thought make me shiver, I will be the reason of being her family wreck"  prince arsenio noted ivy's suspicious glare and clear her useless dot .  Ivy chuckled , he must be kidding  what's left to be wreck by him. It's already broken and destroyed maybe the realm and royals wouldn't know of house of kingsley being already parted.

"Don't judge what you don't know " she told him, her chuckle and her words prince arsenio guessed 

"She hates lady dalvina"

"I knew ..." he thought he noticed odd between them because they were into the same man before he confront the reason of the rival between dalvina and elaine . ivy underrstand what he insists and block him immediately.

"NO......Words can bring destroy, choose yours well." ivy suggested him to be careful with his words don't know whee would it could lead to .

 "Then why?" if not then, what would be lead them to be hateful each others

 "The union of them always ends with complicated" he sure she won't be disappointed to see his noticed towards her ladyship.

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