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      "Other realm's decree prohibited for shelter the another kingdom's royal folk, your majesty." He insist in calmly to announce he gonna be migrate.

"You are not only relinquish your  titles but discarding the peoples who are all have faith in you. Your trashing their trust and hoe they belives the man of dignity and who unbending principles will be there from harmness to protect them."  King can't believe a few  seconds agp he makes him to be feel enormous happy but now he afraid he might be cursed, so he picked the words accurately.

  "Don't you think, as a prince how much solidarity do much held?  its not pointed your relived but seems kind of betrayal of the country." After hearing this last hope of arseno's which was raised is in dead now.  He didn't hesitate either to be backed up if his words.

    "I knew, your majesty. I will never stand up against my loyalty, nor  i was.  Over a month, i stiffned everything my aspiration, sleep, hungry to work hard for take over the battle.  well, i didn't knew if i wouldn't survive or not, didn't knew i would return here or not.  As a prince,  yet, i did my obligation to serve and protect the people who has faith in me.  As a husband,  i must been save my wife." He finished his guesture and lord ambrose roses up from his seat with panickingly and begin his debate.

   "But how can we compensating the realm's treasure to your?"  Prince arsenio did know lord ambrose won't let that happen.  He will fght till the end however, he never let down his calm.

"I save the country from the war consequences but for the name of price  my wife is dying there." 

"A warrior can't squel his primacy for his personal desire" Lord ambrose well satisfied for thinking for him to get prove the prince and did too.

"I have so many reasons to mentioning to you why i may abandon my titles."  Arsenio pause and his words caught his throat grip even assuming the thought make him trembling inside and he continues.

"But i have doesn't have any reason to mention her father why couldn't i tried to save her" the court room seems convient through his tragic situation he is in right now. 

"You dare to blackmilling the king in the name of your with drawal, prince arsenio."  again lord ambrose didn't let him give a opportunity to take over.  prince arsenio takes a second to prepare himself to gather his courage for upcoming rebuke time and his insist told not to give up on her whatever peroration he have to ready for endurement,  all he want is her survival.

   "I don't dare to compelled anyone. we would go there where i can get the venom , i will get it myself for my wife with my martial skills. But i can't be raise my sword against my country or my own family. one thing i can assure, that wherever we go, myself and my wife will be here whenever this realm need my protection and my wife services."  his statement gives goosebumps for all of them.  He make sure clearly he just need his wife to be saved nor he want to win against lord ambrose either want his stubborn to be win.

"Good bye, father."  He drop his weapon down , bow his head and about to farewell bid but emperor's consience  piercing thorugh his son's word and he can't tolerate his son's called him as father last time either he don't want and let it slide.  

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