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  "Hell.... where were you been ivy?"   dalvina tried to sit on her own , ivy sighs and fix the pillow make her sit comfortable and make sure it won't hurt her wound .

Dalvina felt somthing weird when ivy seems looks so suspicious because she never been silent  until something wrong. 

"Were you been examnined ?" dalvina saw the ivy eyes brim with tears and dalvina don't have any grudges for her about this instead her heart cover with overhelming.  dalvina cup her wrist make ivy to sit with her and squeeze her hand of assurance.  ivy tears rolled down on her cheeks and her words are vanshied into the thin words and she doesn't know how to explain her if she know the prince believed the rumours then her last of hope on prince will die.

"PRINCE"  Ivy whispered. And dalvina pupil hold on seconds and it refill the tears instead of caring.   she noded at ivy like its gonna be alright. out of no where, the door opened with the loud banged 

"Are u done with flew? or still has to? "Prince arsenio roared and all staffs are trembling to witnessed of his rage as well dalvina too.

"I am fed up with this. you were given more enough freedom before. Now, you left me no choice but to do this.  Its no any tourney to with life." his drawn expression grew even more and more petrify.

"If you weren't had any interest in you life and decide to let it go, let me tell you , you lost that privilege now. I can't let that happen not under my wings either i don't have time for your chasing game."  As she guessed once again she became burden.  Her heart torn when she heardhw his word of chasing game. Indeed, this time she is at the fault, she realised it.  He rub the back of his neck and click his tongue annoying , few seconds after he exhaled to let go of his fume.

"I  can't blame you wholly for whatever had happened then, but its a time to dance with me."He always ignored the rumour nor he cared to be confirmed but he always eyes on her not like put a tail behind her , out of care . Truly, may be as like he told to ivy ,he must inspect the people around her and aware of whats happening around him.He take this decision for put an end to rumour.

"Gossips dies when it hits a wise persons ears. Let then make true." he continues.

"As you told on that day, your rebirth is now belongs to me.  Henceforth, its my determine your fate is counting on me." No,  its actually not good vibe for dalvina. she sense something built in her stomach , she couldn't describe is it fear or anything else.  is her life been control by him now onwards?

"Upcoming days you  won't be allowed to step outside from this manor without my approval , as well no one visit you including royal families too . Remember it."  this is the first time he came into her chamber since their wedding. Today, the longest conversation he have with her since the wedding day, at that time she still remember how that day went on. Like now, she listen to him and he talk to her.  she didn't shared even a word with him. What a pity here is , she waiting for him to explain the situation like what kind of circumstance of both of their life ahead. 

"Beware and Guard her chamber in a day and nights"  he turn his heel towards the exit of her chamber and commnds hi sentinel.

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