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                                                     YOUR WIFE

  Prince arsenio rushed to her chamber and noticed her belonginess still there she left the mansion without any of these.  He direct his horse where he can trace her. At meanwhile , In the middle of forest, dalvina halt the carriage and checked if all of her staffs are gathered or not.  Gladly, she requested ivy before night to settle them with all of dalvina's savings and inform them to assemble the spot dalvina felt its not fair to send them without good farewell.

"As may you all  knew what is happening in my life.  ofcourse, a lot of things , I don't think my life would be as on my own anymore. So, i let fall it be on fate. Still, you all earned my respect through your unfailing and courtesy.  I hoe you might live your life on your own well with freedom and healthy. Now onwards, I dismissed you all from serfdom. I done put to end this slavery bond once for all. Although thank you for serving me well in the past."

She finishes her long guesture.  They left one by one before bowing to her. Only rest few of them move distance stand under the tree discussing something among themselves better it would say like a quarrel. Dalvina turns her gaze towards ivy with slow pace. she doesn't know how to convince her without her words ivy nderstands what's gonna she do next before that.

"No.... don't...."dalvina cover ivy hands to prevent ivy denied as well her argue and slowly rubbing her thumb tears are filled in dalvina's eye how couldn't she find the words as a reason to make ivy convinced.

"I have to "  dalvina whispered to ivy and she don't have anything to pay her money or with anything else for what she done it for her since they were young.

"I don't know what to compensate you with"  another drop tears fell on dalvina cheeks.

"All i asking you is let me stay by your side" dalvina shakes her head. 

"Then i would became most selfish person. you have a life to go ahead on your own. i don't want to get ruined  by me" dalvina hugs her and cried .

 "Don't say such things"ivy buried her face in dalvina's shoulder.

"I thought we will be together until our last." she whimp and continue

"You know where i will be , please visit me often"

"I wish"  dalvina replies ivy understand she never gonna meet gain. something weird she hear around them. the rattleness broke their hugs. dalvina noticed assassins came from the wood. ivy shout at the rest of the  staff who still stand there.  

"Protect lady dalvina"  they didn't move at all . ivy yelled at them.

"What are doing over there?" one of the staff direct forwards where they can able to hear him.

"We don't have any choice but to agree with them. we don't have any future until we assured out future are assured. So, we inform where about lady dalvina spot ahead."  he finishes without any hesitant. 

"You traitor."  ivy scowls and take forward while dalvina noticed assassins kill the rest of the staff who stand over there.  

"They manipulate our staffs, ivy" she takes the  dagger which is she hide under her sleeve. she doesn't know if she able to defeat them but she has to, atleast for the sake of ivy , she has to protect her at all cost.

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