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                         THE REALM'S POLITICAL MINISTER :  AMBROSE KINGSLEY AARON;  House of kingsley;  Dalvina's uncle, her father's siblings . Ambrose is the eldest heir in the kingsley family ; Even though they are belongs to the family but he and his daughter always consider dalvina's family contemptuous. He knew what the circumstance around  the prince arsenio's manor nor that he care. He is holding the grudges against arsenio because they are always in the rivals against each other in any kind of issues arise. 

    "Since my king asserting consider my demands.  Here it is."  The whole crowd looking forward curiosly what he is going to gain for .

     " I want one of the empire's treasury,  THE HEART BANE VENOM." The court room filled with the gasped of his boldly declaration.  He doesn't bother of the court room mumblin

   "Yesterday, I conquest at the field but today, my wife . She is fighting for her life in death bed."  No one expect his confession of her condition even his bannermen's surprised.

"Explain" The emperor stern voice make him stand and his hopes on rise a bit on his chest.

"Someone poisened her.  The physician's assured she will be saved only if she has been drank the heart bane venom." before he finish,  he is been cut by lord ambrose.

      "Outrageous."  he interrupt and begin their usual heated argue.

      "The treasure shouldn't been be used for your scornful play" prince arsenio  chuckled in incredulity and direct his gaze towards him.

      "In your vision, is my wife's death bed as scornful play?" 

      "Despite that, isn't fair to be insist the treaure for personal require.  The treasure still guarded by king. It doesn''t from years ago or recently but for four generations, I mean your ancestors efforts shouldn't end up unvitals. although its your obligation to contribute your courtesy for their legacy prince arsenio."  arsenio sense what so over lord ambrose said is damn true. It shouldn't legt the manipulating  the empire's treasure for solely selfishness. It is not only their ancestor's effort but it earn's their sacrifice too.

    Even though lord ambrose knows how to move the coin. ofcourse, he waited for the arsenio's tragic situation long ages.  How can he let go of this situation unbothered.

   The flashing of dalvina's vision with the teary eyes with a wound, holding a lasts few breaths of hers like a state he witnessed she was in the cave when it hits prince arsenio ,his jaw clenched  when he noticed the lord ambrose smirk.

    "I Third prince of Lamorium kingdom  Arsenio Ballard Zadkiel, House of ballard and the Commander of the city watch and chief of defense department, and on behalf of my legal wife Dalvina  Arsenio Ballard Zadkiel, the second name of Aaron, House of kingsley.  We are declaring relieved from all of out authorities, my titles as well rankings and  withdrawal of out royal status, and seeking give a permit to let us live as an ordinary subject." his long statement come to end and they can caught of his clear intention of his drawal.  Unexpectedly king can't either he want to confront from him , is that his intention 

  "Abanding for what?"  The king anxiously asked him what the hell had happened to him, what he want through cut off all the ties he held within day of he returns that too out of blue.

 King can't indicate what was the reason either prince didn't give him a hint and remains silent.

    "For what?"  King frowns. From witnessing this lord ambrose felt intution he may not need to do anything.  King already is in his rage so he let it slide because now the circumstance is on his side.

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