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The venom takes two days to cure the princess, the doctors assured her pulse were return normal stable and Her consiouness will return soon.  dalvina's eyelid moving but she couldn't open cause a few days of her eye dirt stick with stain tears and then some wet cloth remove it gently and it will help her gaping her eyelid to see.  As soon as she open, she closed because of gleaming , ofcourse its been a four days since she her eyes remain closed.

"Ivy...." dalvina gasps and call her in low tone when she saw ivy near her. 

"young miss.... how you been?"  instead of answering her, dalvina realised the room was familiar and she didn't get it suddenly.

"perhaps are we...?" dalvina don't want to be here either to face him.

" This is prince arsenio's chamber young miss. He saved you." ivy confront her and dalvina got panicked for what the situation she is been to look forward and don't remember what might happen after she drank the poison.

"How did he found me? why did he came there?  ivy did he kne..." before her question to be finished ivy shoot her with hers.

"We didn't knew you were poisoned until the doctors inform us and i am sure this part of yours hasn't be in your plans when you told me."  ivy didn't give the time to dalvina to explain and express her enrage.

"Close the door" ivy did as she was told.

"I was poisoned by someone after you left." ivy felt into the shock and guess who was the someone, the person wants to kill her deeply since all their plots were exposed to dalvina by themselves.

"jonah" ivy whispered and dalvina nodded.

"Did prince caught all?"  dalvina asked ivy with trembling because she doesn't know how would he react henceforth.

"I am not sure about" dalvian sighs in disbelief of ivy's response but ivy said

"All i heard once i reach here is prince arsenio is bring you all the way of here from woods." dalvina felt dreadful sense once ivy mention prince was fetch her from there..

"Perhaps did you clued yo how did prince trace me?" dalvina mean't be being an errant girl infront him as rumoured say. ofcourse, she didn't care what subject blabbering but she doesn't want to let  prince assumed her as an ignoble women. 

"wasn't he suppossed to be in the palace right on that day?" dalvina mutter and ivy had no idea so she silenced and she say report to dalivna what she knew.

"Not alone he bring you here but he did something that other never dare to think."  dalvina waiting for ivy to be finished.

"As a monuments of his victory, prince demands emperor to offer the empire treasury A HEART BANE VENOM for save your life."  dalvina astonished by what ivy said and it would add more worry to her.  Anxiety seized her chest and something choke her throat and didn't know what else there to be make her tremor. and ivy continues.

"At mean while he tried to explain how much the venom occurs important to save your life, your uncle Lord ambrose offened him in the court yard for demanding the treasury."  dalvina chuckled and said

"I had no doubts on that, he always despise me and my brother."  ivy knews too how much dalvina family been contemp by Lord ambrose and her daughter since childhood. Dalvina bruise aside her thoughts with her uncle and asked what she was curious about b efore.

"After you reach here, were you been query about anything or were you be investigated by someone?" ivy shakes her head no.

"Strange. its impossible this controversy was being ignored even after it strechout to emperor" dalvina instructs ivy

"Inform him about my awaken" ivy left as dalvina request and whatever it is dalvina decide to hear from himself about strife but days were went ....

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