𝟭𝟯𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹𝘆𝗽𝘀𝗲: 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀

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Yusuke and Yuki POV

Yusuke and Yuki took the right side path and swiftly made their way up the stairs and reached the second floor quicker than they expected. They found themselves in an unfamiliar hallway, as they were walking down it, it revealed its hidden claws in the form of a trap. Both managed to dodge the trap in time, only to be followed by multiple other traps. They barely managed to scrape their safety; leaving with only slight scratches.
"Who's there? Show yourself!" Yusuke forcefully asks, trying to get the culprits to reveal themselves.
"Well I'll be damned! You actually managed to live through those traps! And after I thought what you said would help kill 'em easier." a female voice said. The voice was brazen and rough. This woman was no normal person.

"How did ya even know that they would do that?" the woman asked.
"It was a simple psychological thing. If they were the sharp type of person, when faced with a trap, they would dodge, right?" another voice said. This one was a male voice.
"They would jump backwards and so that's why I placed another trap behind them." he continued to explain.
"Hey! You know we are here too, damn it!" Yuki yells, trying to get their attention. As soon as he said that, footsteps approached.
"Right, you people. I think you may have a death wish since you took this path. But I would gladly leave you unscathed if you leave this place." the male said walking out of the shadows with a lady beside him. The lady had long blue hair and vibrant green eyes. Her figure was good enough that you could tell she worked out.

Beside her was a male. He wasn't as defined in muscle compared to the female, but he carried a strange looking book around. He had brown hair and eyes, and wore glasses, he was decked out with some impressive mage's armour.
"Great, we've got specs and a musclebrain. So not my style man..." Yusuke said, sighing in disbelief. Both of the enemies twitched their eyebrows at the same time after that comment.
"You're really asking us to leave after your leader was the one who, so courteously, invited us here in the first place?" Yuki said in a mocking tone.
"You do have a good point, but I would rather end this without any conflict." the male said fixing his glasses. The woman looked at him and almost screamed 'I wanted to fight these guys!' through her facial expressions.
"That would be ideal. Especially since you're not worth my time. Move." Yuki pressures them with an almost evil look on his eyes.

The woman smiled and clapped her hands suddenly, causing Yusuke' sand Yuki's faces to drop a little.
"Hahahaha! You're really funny guys, aren't ya? Well I might as well introduce myself. The name's Tomoe!" she says, her smile brightening. "This is my disciple, Yuito."
Yuito let out a sigh and focussed his energy and killing intent. "Whoa, gettin' feisty, aren't we?" Tomoe says laughing.
"There isn't anything funny about this! We came here for the Auspex and nothing else. We don't have time to play with you children!" Yusuke exclaims, possibly hitting someone's nerve. In a flash, Tomoe charged in front of Yuki, grabbing his face and pushing him to the ground. "Coming from the very definition of children! Don't fuck around with us! I think you should know, I'm the 5th Seat!" she says with an angry smile on her face.
"Maybe I underestimated you people. Now, get off!" Yuki yells, kicking Tomoe off of him. She jumps back and lands opposite Yuki.

"You okay, Yuki?" Yusuke says, before being bombarded with magically energy beams.
"Pay attention to me, dumbass." Yuito says, holding his book which was now wide open.
"That thing can fire magic? What are you, some isekai magician?" Yusuke asks, readying his bow. Yuito removes his glasses and puts them in a pocket in his armour. "This is a magic tome. Only the smartest can read these. And yes, I do happen to be a magician. Just not that isekai thing you were talking about." Yuito replies. "You use a bow and arrow, eh? It's a battle of range then. Against me, the 6th Seat. Let's which off us is more ACCURATE!!" he says, firing more gale energy blasts.
"I'm gonna win!" Yusuke says, now initiating another fight.

Shigure, Mio and Kana's POV

Their path was a relatively safe path; they reached the 4th floor. "Y'know, this has been quiet... a little too quiet for my liking." Shigure says, suspiciously.
"Yeah. There hasn't been a single enemy, at all for these past 4 floors! Totally strange..." Mio replies taking her gunlance out of its sheath.
"I'm nervous, maybe we'll encounter the strongest one..." Kana said looking downwards.
"It'll be fine, no way they send their strongest to fight until the climax. It's all good." Shigure says before stepping on a green floorboard on the ground. From that, a bunch of low-grade Apocalyptic Monsters appeared from the ground like crabs in the sand.
"You were saying?" Mio said, sarcastically actually sounding pretty mad too.
"They're low-grade, aren't they? We've got this, no sweat!" Shigure confidently says, now unsheathing his katana. They all charged head first into the battle horde.

Makoto POV

Makoto took the last path by himself, as he was confident he would survive. He took the central path which had just one staircase up to the 4th floor. Makoto scouted the area for any hints toward the Auspex. His senses were at his sharpest; he couldn't let Ryoma or anyone but her brother. It was too dangerous to let her in anyone else's hands. After using his wide scan move, he managed to find her location. At the very top of this here building.
"Found you." He said smiling. He began to charge towards the top but was stopped by 2 people blocking his way. He let out a huge sigh.
"What the hell is this crap? Sending two of your measly yes-men?" Makoto says mockingly.
"Please baby, don't be like that..." a womanly voice says, seductively. "You know we aren't just simple mindless zombies." she continues.

Makoto raises an eyebrow as the 2 people reveal themselves to be the 9th and 8th Seats.
"So, Mr.Shin? You're back, I take it?" he asks.
"Hmph. I was expecting that Seijuro Keiji bastard to show up. I wanted to crush him beneath my heel and beg for mercy under me!" Shin declared.
"That's great and everything but firstly, I don't care and secondly, since you crossed paths with me, you won't live long enough to kill Seijuro." Makoto said his blue eyes brightening.

Shin was practically seething. "You son of a..." he begins to say but is interrupted by the blonde model-looking girl behind him. "Please don't mind him. He's been wanting revenge ever since he regained consciousness. Nice to meet you, Makoto Nishimura. My name is..." the woman says but is cut off by Makoto.
"Yeah, yeah. I know who you are. In fact, way too well, my dear cousin Veronica." Makoto said, his expression darkening.
"So, you remember me, huh?" Veronica replies. "Shows you still care for reforming me."
"Actually, I couldn't give a damn whether you choose to fight for Ryoma or for me. I figured if you were ever my opponent, I'd kill you without hesitation." Makoto retorts, completely dismissing Veronica's thoughts.

"So, no matter what we have to fight?" Veronica asks.
"Exactly. And I don't plan on holding back just 'cause you're my cousin." Makoto says, entering a fight-ready stance. "Now, come! I'll take you both on at once!"

At the top of the building...
"Master Ryoma, are you sure I'm adequate enough to protect you?" the 4th Seat known as Mirai asks. Ryoma thinks for a moment. "You'll do just fine. Me, you and our new fell dragon, Taiga will handle things if those A Hunters beat everyone else." Ryoma reassures her. "Besides, if anything does happen to go wrong, we can always call on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Seats."

Mirai nods and faces towards a scared Rena Keiji was held captive inside a preservation cylinder.
"Sooner or later, the destruction of the Earth filled with humans will commence, and only us cursed humans will remain!" Ryoma announces.
"I don't care for that shit. I look forward to fighting Seijuro!" Taiga says, clenching his fist.
"Let me go!" Rena yells out.
"Oh? She speaks!" Ryoma says laughing out loud.
"I promise, you'll regret doing this!" she threatens.
"Or what, Auspex?" Ryoma replies.
"Or you'll feel the wrath of the Keiji bloodline!!" Rena yells her yellow eyes lightening. Ryoma turns and looks up at the large energy pellet in the sky.
"Sooner or later, the end of everything begins."

What will fate choose? The destruction of humanity, or the destruction of EXO 5? Find out on the next chapter of Apocalypse Hunters, where the fights begin. Some may live, the others will die.
Thanks for reading.

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