𝟭𝟳𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹𝘆𝗽𝘀𝗲: 𝗝𝘂𝗱𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝗽𝗲𝘅

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The clash of Shiina's lance and Oboro's naginata reverberated around the room. Both were equals, they were exchanging blow after blow with no signs of openings from either fighter. They were both evenly matched in their lance skill. "You're good. I didn't expect there to be a challenge!" Oboro mockingly says.
"Well, you underestimated me and now you're gonna pay the ultimate price. Your life!" Shiina replies, charging at him again. Oboro thrusts the naginata towards Shiina but he dodges it and spins his lance around, hitting the naginata with the base of his lance which knocked him backwards. Shiina sees the opportunity to win and goes for kill, but Oboro catches the blade of Nini's Ice Lance and flips it over his head and launches him to the wall.

"Is that all? Bring it." Oboro asks, ready for round 2.
"Not bad, not bad at all!" Shiina says bouncing back up and explosively charging back to him and grazing his left arm. They turn around and exchange more acrobatic strikes. "Shuriken Wave!" Oboro yells, rapidly throwing hordes of shurikens which stuck to the ice barrier. Shiina gracefully weaved through each shuriken and appeared in front of Oboro. He readied his lance and got a clean slash across Oboro's chest.
"That's gonna leave a nasty scar buddy." Shiina says, smiling.
"Damn you, I'm gonna~" Oboro says before noticing his feet have been frozen. He was dead stuck on the ground.

"That was an impressive trick." Oboro commends Shiina.
"Just a little thing I call the Root Freeze." Shiina confidently exclaims. Oboro, forgetting he had no feeling in his legs, entered a zen state. He was focused and ready to do something.
"Delusion Technique: Rain of Steel." he yells. Blades of all kind and falling from the ceiling and as if it wasn't enough, the blades were coming from the ground underneath also. "This is a real troublesome technique, huh?" Shiina says, dodging as many blades as he can while being grazed himself.
"I'll end this without using my new technique. I'm saving that for Taiga's dumbass." he thought to himself. He activated his new special eye, Sub-Zero. As he activated it, the blades that were raining down froze. The blades coming from the ground froze. Everything was frozen solid.

As he stepped, the ground beneath him froze solid. As he approached, Oboro could feel his body temperature lowering. The ice was getting to him. He couldn't feel many parts of his body. Shiina walked around Oboro to a certain pattern, so specific it looked like there were multiple clones of Shiina. "Rhythm Stride." Shiina says. All of Shiina's deceptive clones approached Oboro at the same time and thrust their lances at the same time. Oboro grasps his naginata and slices in front of him, but Shiina stabs him through the heart. His corpse instantly freezes into a pillar of ice which reached the ceilings. "Crumble." Shiina commands and the pillar grinds to nothing but icy particles flowing into the cold air.
"Can't take this barrier down just yet. May as well just wait it out..." he says now sitting down.

Another CLASH!

Caelon and I are darting around at top speed, exchanging blows as we pass each other. We collided and jumped backwards. "If my brother was good with poison, this sword is good with deathly viruses!" Caelon explains.
"Oh come on! Is your whole family bloodline just tainted by disgusting bugs inside all of you?!" I complained.
"That's not very nice, you piece of shit. Apologise!" Caelon says charging back at me.
"Why don't you make me?!" I challenge him. We fight and he is visibly getting pissed off. I stun his sword and land good hits on him. "Electro Cross-Slash!" I yell, slashing in a certain pattern to form a Japanese character. Caelon is blasted backwards and has the lingering effect of electric shock stunning him.

"How was that?" I ask, smirking.
"Don't...piss...me OFF!!!" Caelon yells, thrusting with rapid speed.
"Don't you think you're doing too much bro?" I say, nonchalantly dodging the thrusts.
"Don't call me 'bro'! Take this!" Caelon angrily yells, feinting left and touching Seijuro's leg.
"Now that I've touched you, a virus is inside you and will shrivel you up to death. See yo ass in the afterlife!" he says laughing. I did feel weaker. My veins were visibly and my body was heating up. My body was starting to cramp up a little until I noticed a telephone pole beside the abandoned building's open window. "Let's...fricking do this. Ex...pand!" I exclaim. I held my palms outwards toward the telephone pole and the square mark on my palm expanded into patterns from my right arm to my right eye again.

Caelon was confused. "What are you doing? That thing isn't gonna help you."
I begin smiling. Electricity begins crackling. The telephone pole still had electricity flowing through it. My mark absorbed all the electricity until it stopped coming. "Wait, are you serious? What did absorbing that electricity even do?" Caelon was still asking for an explanation.
"This virus is nothing. As long as I have electricity inside my organs, no virus can touch me." I explain, the side-effects of the virus being burnt to nothing in under a second. "You and your brother piss me off. And on top this, I have to deal with that bastard Taiga Yoshida!" I vent my frustrations. "I'm gonna take this out on you, okay? No hard feeling, yeah?" I say, my body glowing yellow and electricity surrounding me.

"What are you doing?! Stop!!" Caelon says, charging at me to make me stop.
"Thunderous Reign!" I say, spinning and kicking the ground. Caelon was paralysed in place and was aggressively trying to escape.
"It's no use. You lose today, Caelon," I say, pointing at him. "Let's crank this bitch up to a million! Electostatic Shock: 3.5 Million Volts!!" I yell, yellow lightning flailing all around Caelon and shocking him continuously, 3.5 million volts surging through his body. Caelon screamed in agony and pain as his body blackened and he fainted, causing the ice barrier to fall.
"Hey, Shiina! You finished before me, huh?" I say, with a huge smile on my face.
"Yeah. Nice work, Sei. Let's head to the safe room quick now!" Shiina says leading the way.
"Right behind ya!" I shout, running after him.

Safe House
Everyone had arrived at the safe house relatively unscathed. A few injures, nothing to worry about. Me and Shiina met up with Haru, who made it up to the house first. "Yo! You good guys?" Haru asks.
"Yeah, we got past there easily." Shiina answers. Yuki, Yusuke, Shigure, Makoto, Kana and Mio were all in the safe house waiting for us.
"Took you dumbasses long enough!" Makoto says, slapping us on the back.
"Don't be like that man, we all made it, didn't we?" Shigure says smiling at us.
"Yeah, well we almost didn't make it out, thanks to a certain someone..." Mio said referring to Shigure.
"Come on Mio, we can't blame him forever y'know?" Kana says, calming Mio down.

"Damn that stupid musclebrained bastard!" Yuki mumbles to himself. He was quietly cursing someone who I really don't know or want to know who.
"Don't mind him, he's been like this ever since one of the Seats got away from his grasp...again." Yusuke explains.
"Must suck dude, for real..." Haru says, sighing.
"Cmon, bro. We're gonna need you for the upcoming battles." I said.
"Anyway, Ryoma said as soon as we get here, we'll get another message. And here it is." Makoto says waving a piece of paper around. The message read:

If you're reading this message, then you have most likely made it to the safe house I placed for you. This also means that there is approximately 6 hours until the Judgement of the Auspex is upon us. There are no more traps or battles up the remaining steps. Prepare yourselves and come straight to us, where we will settle this once and for all. Me, Taiga and Mirai will handle you with ease. That is if you can provide a satisfactory fight I will enjoy, step on up and save the Auspex...if you can...

We all looked at each other upon finishing the letter and it gave us the resolve we need to push on. We will get the Auspex, no, my sister back!
"You four have come a long way." Sora said, summoning our consciousness inside us for a conversation.
"What can we say? Teens grow fast!" Haru says, gleefully.
"To think, just a few weeks back we had this encounter." Yusuke reminisced.
"Yeah, but there is still more to come. Defeating EXO 5 is just one stepping stone to the bigger picture. The bigger enemy! Together, let's take 'em all down. Including Taiga." I say, with the purpose of inspiring.
"Yeah!" we all said before coming back to the real world. We're walking to the top where my sister and Ryoma await.
Ryoma. I'm coming for you.

To be continued...
Next Apocalypse: The battle for the Auspex truly gets started, Seijuro and his crew taking on Taiga, Shigure, Kana and Mio taking on Mirai and Makoto holding off a powered Ryoma in the next Apocalypses...

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