𝟭𝟵𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹𝘆𝗽𝘀𝗲: 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗱

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Split voids. Enemies and Heroes. Different personalities. Battles of high intensity. The fate of the world depends on this battle. It's definitely early for life-threatening challenges, but that was the fate that was chosen. For both sides, it's victory or death. And it's too early for someone's death.
Time until the world's end: 5 hours and 55 minutes.
It's showtime.

Shigure, Mio and Kana wake in a different atmosphere. They are surrounded by mountains and rocks, but the ground is flatter than flat. There is plenty of space for a battle in this area. "Where are we? This isn't the abandoned building..." Shigure says.
"You haven't seen something like this before, huh?" Mirai says, on the tree above them.
"You're cocky enough to try and challenge all three of us at once, now you'll pay!" Shigure yells. He's about to charge but Mio stops him.
"Be cautious...she's the 4th Seat, I think we should rush headfirst." Mio explains, causing Shigure to back off a little. Mirai displayed a look of disappointment and surprise. "So, after saying I'll pay you aren't coming to me just yet?" she says sighing.

Shigure is pissed about this but tries to hold his anger back. He concentrates and uses the gleam of the crescent moon to fire a moon slash at Mirai, who dodged the slash, only for Mio to appear behind her and force the impact of her Gunlance on Mirai. She gets knocked back and almost smashed into the rocks. Mirai smiles and cracks her knuckles. "Maybe I assumed wrong about you guys. You may be able to give me a challenge after all." Mirai says, almost mockingly. "If you weren't so predictable..." she says. Mirai immediately spots Kana lurking behind her ready to strike. Kana is forced to fall back and change plans as Mirai caught on to the plan.

She then used her hands to trigger an explosion from underground which almost hit Shigure as he was trying to attack from underneath and she turned and kicked Mio as she attempted a frontal assault. "Tell me. Why do you think my name Mirai was given to me?" Mirai suddenly asks.
"You can see futures, can't you?" Kana says.
"Exactly. I don't see any hope in beating a person who knows your future, don't you think?" Mirai coercively says.
"You may be able to see the future, but it's all for naught if we make our own future, right here right now!" Shigure says with determination and now charging back at Mirai.

They exchange blows from sword to sword when in the meanwhile Kana and Mio are waiting for the moment of opening. Suddenly, both of them are struck with an idea. Mio and Kana began circling around Shigure and Mirai's intense fight. Shigure figured out what they were trying to do and went on the defensive for a moment. He backflips over a low-swinging sword from Mirai and high-fives Mio, who tags in and explosively pressures Mirai into a corner, until she starts to throw her own attack. Mirai notices that Mio was going for the switch with Shigure and attempts to keep her distracted, only for her to predict wrong and Kana appeared behind Mirai. "Kingdom of Light, heed my call. Light Form IV: Circlet Slash!" Kana yells slashing right through Mirai.

She was badly injured, but just barely managed to scrap the new move with her life. "You surprised me. I didn't except much from you guys, but I guess you have made this fun for me," Mirai mentions. "You can't beat me. Even if I can't predict everything, I can use what I can to win."
"A twisted ideology. You'll never be able to stop our teamwork!" Shigure yells, all three of them now radiating a large powerful aura. They attack Mirai in unison, switching in and out from each other frequently. Mirai, by some magical way, parried the different strikes; only scratches were left.
"That was entertaining. And very creative too. I'm impressed. So, I'll do you the honor of showing you this last attack..." Mirai whispers.
"I'm flattered. Bring it then." Shigure challenged.

Both are now charging large energy orbs; Mio and Kana helping Shigure and lending their power. "Let's do this! Eat this!" Shigure yells, jumping and forcing Mirai to use her orb to block him.
"Fiery Power!" Mirai yells, her orb getting larger and larger.
"Chain Explosion!" Mio yells, increasing the size of the orbs. All of them are screaming, determined to take home a victory. Mirai smiles as she sends a fake Mirai to knock Shigure and Kana off balance. At the same time, Kana yet again appears before Mirai and she stabbed her back at the side time while they all get blasted by the collision of the orbs. All of them lie unconscious on the floor. A draw, some may say.

In the meanwhile...

Yuki is re-fighting Tomoe, who escaped him last time. Tomoe is powered-up, getting clean hits on Yuki. "See! I'll prove you're a fraud!" Tomoe says laughing hysterically as she throws her wild punches.
"Punching won't help you in the slightest! But please carry on." Yuki cheekily says.
"Why don't we try it so we can find out?" Tomoe says, her punches quickening. Yuki was dodging smoothly and with ease. They were in empty space just filled with standable water. "How's this for easy then?!" Tomoe yells landing good hits on him.
"Bring it! Yuki screams smiling crazily.

Tomoe activates her newest move, Mega Flurry and started charging towards Yuki and gets some hits that connected. Yuki goes flying back after the last punch. He didn't realise how much wasted time he made.

"Believe. You just have to deal with em fast. Doesn't matter how you do it, just kill them. Yeah?"

Yuki awakens upon hearing these words. His eyes glow a radiant color and his hair flails left and right in the wind. He placed his hands on the ground and darkness began seeping inside this world, surrounding Tomoe in an impenetrable darkness.
"You're stuck? This isn't even my Delusion Technique." Yuki taunts. Tomoe begins grimacing and was obviously quite visibly angry.
"What the fuck's your problem?! Huh?!" Tomoe barks angrily, trying to move out of the darkness.
"This has happened before, hasn't it? You were stuck and I defeated you," Yuki says, now walking around Tomoe with a look of menace on his face. "I let you live hoping that you could change and turn a new leaf, but I guess believing in you was wrong. Why don't we pick up where we left off?" Yuki said and stopped walking.

Tomoe was intimidated, this was a first for her. Usually, she strikes fear the hearts of others, never has it been the other way around. Yuki walks up to Tomoe and slowly pierces her chest with his bare hands imbued with dark spikes. Tomoe coughed out blood and dropped to the floor slowly and dramatically. "Is this really it? Is this how I'm going out? Damn..." she thought to herself before closing her eyes for good. Yuki took a sigh of relief and sat down for a moment's rest, until a light pillar crashed down on Tomoe and completely vaporised her life source. "What the hell was that?" Yuki asked looking around for the body that had disappeared.
Little did he know, all of Tomoe lifeless body's power has gone back to where they originally came from...

"What a pathetic little bitch you were. But, you were oh so powerful so maybe you will be of use to me, Tomoe~."

To be continued...

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