Khapter (15) Fim ~ That Time Liv Was Introduced To The Idea

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"There, all better." I brought my hand out of the doctor's.

"What just like that?" He went to pull his shirt up, looking to see the now nonexistent scars.

"Yes, just like that. You should continue to rest, however. Your body will still be sluggish from healing so rapidly."

"Yet it has no tole on your own body to use so much power?"

"My dear doctor, you are nowhere near the worst case I have ever had." I chuckled.

"What was your worst case?"

I paused thinking about that day.

"When I had to save just about every one of my Valkery. Some of them were on their way to Vallhalla when I got to them. I did, of course, offer to leave them." I nodded to myself. "I would never take away a warrior's chance at Vallhalla. And a couple did choose to stay, but the others willingly left. Said this was not their time. I transported them to an area no person with evil intentions or man could enter, protecting them even while not there with them. The magic for it shall stay even after I pass on."

"How much power did that take?" He asked, though a bit hesitant.

"Just about all of it. There were just about twenty-three girls, just about half having to be brought back from the brink of death. In the end, eighteen served, two of us, myself included, being lost."


"Well, I am here, am I not? Unable to go home? The same goes for one of my girls. She is so far that I sadly can not even pinpoint her location." I frowned. "Well, enough about that. You said you wanted to get out? Now we can. You just need to stay on bed rest for a few days, letting your body rest, but you can do that in your own home."

I set the doctor's clothes beside him on the bed, leaving the room to give him privacy to change. While out of the room, I got his discharge papers ready and arranged for a wheelchair to be brought to his room. I had become friendly with the nurses on the floor, so they all cooperated nicely and without question.

I went back to the doctor's room, and on the way was greeted by a familiar face.

"Colonel Phillips! May I ask what you are doing here?"

"Came to check on your new pet project. I hear you're the one to go to for information on or doctor friend?"

"Yes. Doctor Erskine was quite insistent that I become his doctor." I started my walk back to his room again, the Colonel following. "He is doing much better and is actually being discharged now. He just needs a few days of bed rest for his body to fully rest from the healing it has been doing in such a short amount of time."

"Well, I need to talk to him about my own little pet project. You might want to join in too. Could be useful."

"What is this pet project of yours, if I may ask."

"An organization created to protect the United States from all possible threats." 

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