Khapter (47) Fjórir Tigir ok Sjau ~ That Time Liv Gave a Life Update Pt.4

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It has been a very hectic year.

First, I had to deal with a dying Tony, who seemed to take his sweet time in finding a cure for his failing reactor.

Then, I had to deal with my brother coming to Midgard for a little bit. That included me going to see his hammer that was laying in a ditch in the middle of nowhere New Mexico, verifying where it came from. When asked by SHIELD to move it, I told them no and that it was here in Midgard for a reason. Whatever that reason was, I was not going to be a part of it unless someone got greatly hurt.

The destroyer did come for a moment, tearing up the small town close by, but Thor and his friends were able to handle it just fine without me.

Not long after Thor left, Olivia woke up. I let her spend some time with her nephew and get settled in a bit to this new world she awoke to before visiting her. I think it helped to see a familiar face that looked the same as it did 70 years ago. And was awake.

After all of this, my sister-in-law got into a little bit of trouble with one Doctor Banner, and I had to help her a bit from afar with some light healing. I believe Hulk accidentally threw her into a concrete wall when he was extremely agitated, not realizing she was even there.

Yes, quite a hectic year indeed.

And I believe it's only just the beginning. 

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