Khapter (66) Sex Tigir ok Sex ~ That Time Liv Saw Her Friend

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"Liv, darling, we must keep moving." My mother snapped me out of whatever trance I had gotten myself into.

"Yes, um... keep going. I shall catch back up to you in a moment. I just need to see something, first."

I looked at the hesitant look on Frigga's face as she contemplated my words, glancing knowingly at the path I had been staring at not a minute before.

"Alright. Just be careful, and be safe." She urged.

"Of course. And you be safe as well." I shot back, making her smile before we parted ways.

I made my way threw the beaten-down path, following the familiar opening in the woods. My breath caught in my throat seeing the familiar vines hanging from the trees while flowers littered the ground below, the spot where a little river and waterfall met causing a rainbow. Because of how quiet it was, I was easily able to hear different birds singing in the trees above.

As I looked around, I slipped off my boots, the flowers tickling my feet as I walked towards the water, stopping at one of the trees at the river's edge. A smile came over my face as I lifted my hand, tracing the familiar carving on the tree. The tree itself had aged as it should have, though thanks to my magic the carving looked just as it did all those centuries ago.

H & L

"I was wondering when I would see you here again." A familiar voice sounded behind me.

I quickly turned around, seeing the man I had longed to see in about a century, the two of us have been too busy to visit the other.

"Heimdall." I smiled, walking towards him.

"Liv." He breathed out, the smile that was usually reserved for me coming out.

"Oh, my friend, how I have missed you!" I cried as I rushed to him, practically jumping into his arms.

"And I you, my dear Liv." Heimdall hugged me tight, his arms automatically moving under my wings so as not to crush them. "Though while I would love to spend more time catching up, we have much to discuss about recent events."

"Indeed we do." I regretfully agreed, slowly pulling away, though I kept my hands on his arms, just like he did my waist. "My sister. She is now in Asgard, as I'm sure you're aware."

"I am. I have been creating a refuge ever since the end of Alex and Loki's wedding a few months ago. I knew Odin didn't have much longer, so I got to work."

"Is that why you were not at your post?" I asked.

"Yes. I left shortly after Odin and Frigga left to finish their trip. I didn't tell anyone, though, because how was I supposed to explain what is happening?"

"They would think you've finally gone mad." I agreed. "Come, we can talk while we go find my mother and the others. We evacuated the palace before Hela was able to get to us."

Heimdall quickly agreed, and the two of us walked away from our little oasis, heading back onto the path I had seen my mother follow. On our walk, Heimdall caught me up on everything my brothers and Alexandra had done since we last spoke, and I told him of my adventures on Midgard.

"You know, all of your other sisters are still around." Heimdall casually stated, making me stop in my tracks.

"Excuse me?"

"Your Valkyrie have been waiting for your return. Most have even been training, waiting for their chance to fight by your side once more."

"Really?" I practically squeaked, my voice seeming to fail me.

"Of course. You didn't think they would forget about you, did you?" Heimdall looked at me almost confused.

"I... I don't know, really. I hadn't had the guts to visit them as I have you." I admitted, moving to continue our walk.

"Well, once we get to my refuge, perhaps you can go out and find them. Tell them it's time to join your side once more."

"Perhaps." I nodded in agreement.

Though, after everything that happened, would they truly want to join me once more?

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