Khapter (70) Sjau Tigir ~ That Time Liv Fought For Asgard

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The plan was set, and everyone was quick to grab their Pegasus', flying them toward the palace of Asgard with me in the lead. With a wave of my hand, a dozen of my girls went down to evacuate the people, getting them to the Bifrost, while another dozen went to fight Hela's army of the undead that were scattered about. Half a dozen girls had already been sent to find Heimdall and help him protect whoever was with him.

The sound of a repeated large bang stopped me in my tracks, and I quickly set my sights on the golden palace.

"He sure does work fast," I mumbled, quickening my pace, a bit peeved that the girls chose their haven to be on the other side of the planet.

"So simple, even a blind man could see it." I heard my beloved sister sigh, before using the sword in her hand to slice at Thor on the ground, cutting his eye out. "Oh. Now you remind me of Dad."

"Sister of mine, was that truly necessary?" I flew down, slowly walking towards Thor.

"What, can't grow back eyes, Liv?" Hela asked.

"The Goddess of Life can only do so much. I've never been one to grow back parts and pieces."

"Such a shame for him, then."

"Thor, you may want to move out of the way," I told our brother, who stubbornly climbed to his feet, though didn't move. "Have it your way, then."

I quickly drew my Dragonfang from the shieth between my wings, and Hela was quick to summon her own blade. The two of us skillfully fought, with Thor coming to my aid whenever he could, considering he was missing an eye.

"You've become rusty in your time on Midgard, sister."

"And so have you. But I see your magic is still in great supply. I must say-" I grunted as I lunged my sword at her. "-I hate what you've done to Fenris."

"I hate that they killed my boy. Tell me, what became of Aria?"

"Alive and well on Midgard. She would have loved to see her brother once more. A shame you've turned him against the woman that brought him to you."

"Do you two always talk during battle?" Thor panted, dodging a dagger Hela threw at him.

"You don't?" The two of us said at the same time, pausing the fight for just a moment to look at our brother.

Hela and I's fight quickly resumed, with Hela managing to push me towards the balcony overlooking the Rainbow Bridge and Bifrost. She quickly kicked Thor away as he went to attack with Father's staff, throwing a dagger so it impaled his arm, connecting him with the floor. My sister then came up and grabbed the back of my hair, forcing me to look out at the bridge where I saw my Valkyrie and Asgardians fight against Hela's undead army.

"You see? No one's going anywhere." She whispered in my ear as I tried to pry her hand away. "I'll get that sword from your lover, even if I have to kill every single one of them to do it. And this time, you won't be able to bring them back."

"Oh, I think they'll be alright," I smirked, watching a large ship appear beside the Rainbow Bridge.

I quickly threw my head back, hitting my sister right in the nose and forcing her hand to leave my scalp. I quickly ran towards Thor, grabbing my Dragonsfang that had been forced out of my hands before my sister got me.

"It's a valiant effort, but you never stood a chance. You see I'm not a queen or a monster." Hela said, summoning another large sword, "I'm the Goddess of Death. What were you the god of, again?" She looked towards Thor who seemed to be struggling and in pain.

"Tell me, brother. What were you the god of, again?"

I glanced behind me, watching as sparks of lightning encased Thor's hands, his one eye now glowing a bright blueish-white color, matching those on his hands. Thunder rumbled in the sky, and before one could even blink a giant bolt of lightning struck down, hitting Hela and practically throwing her out of the palace.

"Norns, that was amazing." I smiled at my brother, who was now getting up.

"I didn't know I could do that." He admitted, looking down at his now-glowing body, the whole of which was covered in lightning.

"Your an Odin child. You can do anything. And that includes defeating our sister. Now come, we don't have much, time..." I paused, feeling pain from someone, though I couldn't distinguish what it was I was feeling.


"How far along is Alex again?"

"With her pregnancy? She said she should be giving birth any day now."

I gave Thor a panicked look, which he quickly mirrored once he realized my reason for asking.

"I think that day is now." 

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