The Crowning

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" And Americas next drag superstar is....."

Trixies hands twisted in her lap nervously as she sat in front of the audience. The bar was flooded with people eager to see the winners honest reaction to be being crowned. Bebe, and Kennedy Davenport sat on either side of her equally tense.

" Trixie Mattel!"

Shock and joy coarser through her veins, as she allowed her head to fall into her hands. She had won Ru Paul's Drag Race, a dream she had had since the first season. The audience applauded and cheered as the runners up congratulated her.

It was great to win, but the one person she wanted to share it with wasn't there. Katya was in rehab, if not she knew she would have been here. Not a day went by that she didn't completely miss her friend. Although the two of them weren't on necessarily the best terms, it would have meant the absolute world to have her here.

Trixie stood up to address the crowd and thank her competitors.

" alright well" Trixie began. " I can not even believe I'm making this speech, I did not fucking plan for this" she laughed. And it was true, she defiantly thought the win was going to Kennedy.

" Thankyou to my amazing competition sitting beside me and Thankyou to ru Paul." Trixie took in a deep breath before continuing. " and Thankyou to my literal favorite person in the entire world, who couldn't be here today. Katya. We have built a career together, but behind all those businesses lies a friendship. My number one biggest fan will always be miss zamolodchikova." The audience went insane. They loved Katya, almost as much as Trixie herself did. " I just want to send all the love to Katya and share this crown with her. We definitely a duo for life" she finished

Kennedy reached up and gave trixies hand a little squeeze and smiled at her. The other queens had seen the unaired moments of Trixie missing Katya. Even though she had just won the crown it didn't feel right without her best friend.

All of a sudden the cheering stopped. She watched as cameras were pulled out to face her, almost as if waiting to get her reaction.

" is there another announcement?" She asked no one in particular. Maybe it was going to be a double crowning.

Just as Trixie was about to ask the audience what the hell was going on she felt at arms wrap around her.

She turned around to see the one person she had wanted to for months. The one person who could make her happy. The one person who she cared about the most. Katya. Seeing her friend got more of a reaction out of her than winning the show had. Immediately Trixie cried.

" oh my god now I look like an idiot" Trixie laughed as she reached out to hug katya.

" congratulations bitch!" Katya said hugging her tightly. " you won, and I'm sorry I couldn't be here before" Trixie just shook her head.

" no this is perfect" she smiled releasing from the hug to look at katya. " do you want to come back to my apartment after this? It's been way too long"

Katya nodded and smiled, glad that Trixie was happy. The crowd cheered at the reunion.

Nothing was better than having Katya by her side.

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