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Trixie POV

Me and Katya were sitting in our small cramped dressing room on the set of UNHhhh. Nobody was around and it was just the two of us.

" do you actually feel as lonely as you like joke about?" I asked honestly curious. Katya joked and messed around all the time about her fear of dying alone, but once the cameras turned off she never really talked about it.

" sometimes yeah. I do get pretty lonely" she said a flicker of sadness glinted in her eyes.

" if only you would let me fix that for you" I sighed. I wasn't exactly sure what confidence came over me, but I suddenly felt like spilling my heart to Katya

" I wish you would bitch" she only half laughed. It was clear that the joke was feeling a little too serious. I turned so that my body was fully facing hers, making it clear the joke was over.

" so let me" I repeated softly this time.

" Trixie Mattel, you are a busy busy woman. And we work together, and you have a boyfriend, not to mention the music, the tv career the list goes on! You don't want to tie yourself down to an old hag like me" she said turning to face me as well.

" Whatever you say, I'm just letting you know I'm here whenever your ready" I could sense the shift in katyas attitude. Never had I once expressed having any feeling for her and now all of a sudden here I was low key confessing. Confusion was written clear on her face.

" wait for real?" She paused trying to read my face through all the makeup and eyeliner.

" yes, I'm just saying it's something to think about." I said patting her leg before standing up and walking over to the mini fridge. " you want a red bull?" I asked. When no response came I turned to find katyas face frozen.

" Brian?" I asked waving a hand.

" huh? Oh yeah sure" she said snapping out of her thoughts.

I felt like a weight had been lifted off myself shoulders. I hadn't said too much, but I had let her know just enough, to show that I was interested in being with her. It was a step in the right direction.

Trixya one shots Where stories live. Discover now