Suprise Part 1

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The lights faded md the music slowly came to a stop as Trixie exited the stage. It had been a really amazing show, but she was hungry and tired. Before she could grab any sort of food she had to attend a meet and greet, so she plastered a smile on her face and approached the already long line of hopefuls.

One after an other they came took pictures, asked questions and left.

" oh my god Thankyou so much for the picture, can I just ask you a quick question?" Trixie nodded not saying a word. The faster this went the better.

" Does Katya ever come to your shows? Like to support you, and do you ever go to hers?" Asked the young girl. Trixie inwardly rolled her eyes, another teenage lesbian with nothing better to do then ship the two of them.

" yeah, we sometimes go to each others shows, but we've both been super busy lately so it's been a while since I've seen her" this out Trixie in a bad mood. She was missing Katya a lot. It felt like it had been forever since they had hung out or even just talked.

The line shortened until no one was left. Gratefully Trixie turned and headed for her dressing room.

" excuse me ms Mattel can I get a photo?" Trixie grimaced and didn't even bother to turn around.

" meet and greets over sorry." She was irritated and starving.

" oh you must be hungry. I know you only say no to a picture when your hangry" came the voice again.

Trixie paused. There was only one person in the entire world who knew her well enough to draw that conclusion. She turned around and was over joyed to see standing there out of drag, Brian.

" oh my god Brian. What the hell are doing here?" Trixie said smiling widely and the idiot grin on his face.

" I was just missing my friend and I have a very boring lifestyle as you know. So I was able to fit visiting Trixie in." Katya said laughing at her own joke.

" why didn't you come see me sooner?" Trixie asked sadly, her whole night would have been better if she had known her friend was in the audience

" well I was going to join the meet and greet line, but I didn't want fans to blow my cover. I wanted to surprise you" he said adjusting his hat.

" you sure fucking did!" Trixie said reaching out to hug him.

" want to grab something to eat?" Katya said melting into her embrace. " or I mean you can go on your own, if your tired and stuff." He said not wanting to bother his friend.

" are you joking bitch? Of course I want to go eat with you. Just let me get out of drag" Trixie said walking to her dressing room. About halfway down the hall the stopped and turned.

" bri are you coming?" Katya raised an eyebrow, but followed anyway.

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