Without You

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" What's up with Katya?" Adore asked. Her, Bianca, Alaska, Detox, and Courtney were all on tour together, but it was obvious this evening that something was bothering Katya.

" I don't know I can't figure it out" whined Alaska as she fixed her makeup in the mirror. Katya had been acting off all evening. She was acting jumpy, and irritated which wasn't like her at all.

Adore glanced over her shoulder to see her sitting on her own scrolling on her phone. She had t much wanted to interact with the other queens today.

" have you tried calling Trixie? I mean she'll probably know what going on" Bianca suggested gruffly.

" yeah that's actually a good idea" adore said pulling out her phone and walking over to a private corner of the room.

Ring Ring Ring

" hello?" Ca,e trixies voice. There was club music in the background, that was slowly fading as she found a quieter spot.

" hey Trixie, me and the other girls noticed something off with Katya" there was a long pause.

" so you called me? Okay well what's she doing?" Trixie asked sounding a little bit annoyed.

" well she's just sitting on her own I'm the corner of the room. She's been acting kind of stand offish all night and she won't really talk to us" adore sighed. " like fuck"

" put me on the phone with her" Trixie sighed.

Adore cautiously walked over to where Katya sat.

" it's Trixie" she whispered passing her the phone which she immediately took.


Trixie POV

" alright so what's wrong bitch. Are you just missing me or do you not have AC in your dressing room?" I asked knowing her all too well.

" both. But more the first thing" Katya sighed from the other end. I felt badly, we hadn't really gotten to say a proper goodbye before she left for tour.

" well I can talk for a bit." I said trying to make her feel better. " do you need me to come out there? Your only like an hour or so away"

" no I'm not going to put you through that. Don't worry about it, I'll just be happy to get home and see you." There was a break in her voice. " how's David?"

" Oh yeah no he's good.....he's not with me right now bri, so if you need me to come totally free." I tried. I knew that he was worried that he'd be intruding on me and David's life but he really wasn't. He always seemed to be worried about that now.

" you should spend time with your boyfriend trix" with that Katya hung up. What the fuck was that all about?

Katyas POV

I did find myself in a better mood then before Trixie called. Something about hearing her voice always made me feel better.

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