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Trixie and Katya sat on the set of Queens Who Like to watch. The movie was portraying a young pair of gay best friends slowly falling in love.

" oh fans are going to eat this up honey! To gay best friends watching two gay best friends fall in love? The fucking lesbians are you to live!" Trixie laughed lightly hitting katyas knee.

" oh my god" Katya sighed looking at the floor and pretending that the small amount of contact Trixie had just given her, didn't give her absolute butterflies.

" this fucking bitch has a boyfriend! What is he thinking?" Katya mused as the movie continued on.

" Well I mean if you love someone enough, you have to be honest with them when you feel like you have feelings for someone else" Trixie said deadpan, staring into katyas knowing eyes.

She knew exactly what Trixie Mattel was doing and she in no way was going to fall for it.

" mhmm. I agree" She said ending the conversation before it could happen.

" yeah, I mean, to string someone along, while your literally going to work everyday in love with your best friend? I mean that's bad right?" Trixie rambled. To viewers it seemed as if all they were doing was discussing the direct plot of the movie. But Katya knew better. Trixie was legitimately asking for herself.

" Well it depends on the circumstances. How long have they been together? How long have the friends been together? Is it expected? How old are they? I mean the list goes on Mary" Katya was attempting to end the conversation with a few open statements that could lead into another topic. But Trixie was t falling for it. Not today.

" okay. Let's say, been friends for around nine years, has had a boyfriend for 5 or 6." Trixie said eyes meeting katyas briefly before going back to the camera.

" Well, the feelings would have to be pretty strong. I mean mama, it's got to be worth ruining your previous relationship for. It has to be love, not like." Katya replied earnestly as the energy in the room turned icy and filled with tension.

" hmm so either push those feelings down or confess love? Interesting options. Do you think it's possible to get rid of the feeling of love?" Trixie asked honestly. It didn't matter to her that they were in a room with twenty people. She had to know now.

" No you can't get rid of that feeling on your own. I suppose it has to happen naturally. You have to....grow apart" Katya said through gritted teeth. The two of them hadn't said anything funny in over five minutes, and the producers and crew members could feel heat rising.

" well what if that just can't happen? What if they have too much going on and so Jen has to confess to something or it's going to kill them?" Trixies fingers twisted around the pillow she was now holding into for dear life. Before Katya could even respond a voice from someone on the camera crew called out.

" None of that was in the movie ladies. Why don't we all take a small break and regroup?" It was more of a order than a question, as the queens hustled off the set.

Katya made her way to her way over to the small vanity mirror in the corner of the room. It was the one secluded area, that could not be seen from any where else in the studio.

She was quick to notice that even through all the makeup on her face, the natural blush on her nose and cheeks was poking through. What the fuck was Trixie thinking. Bringing something so serious into their Netflix series was a dangerous game to play.

It wasn't the first time Trixie had made small remarks about being interested in Katya. I mean the way she looked at her alone was reason enough to have the suspicion that there were secrets Trixie was keeping.

Katya weakly brought the powder puff to her face and began lightly patting powder into her skin, just as Trixie was showing up.

Carefully she slung her arms around katyas shoulders, and wrested the weight of her own head on top of her friends.

" trix why are you acting like a fucking cunt on set. I know what your doing" Katya laughed. It was all she could do to keep from crying.

" yeah sorry. I just...." Trixies voice trailed off meekly as Katya placed a gentle hand on hers.

" what's on your mind?" Trixie went back and forth in her mind, debating wether to tell the truth or not. It was pretty obvious already her feelings towards Katya, but she felt some for, of comfort when her secret was left unsaid. She could ignore it forever though.

" trix? I asked what you were thinking about." Katya repeated now turning her head to look up at Trixie who clearly had tears in her eyes.

" you" there was a long pause. " I'm thinking about you. I always fucking am" a moment of silence ensued as Katya tried to rack her brain for an appropriate response.

" I know." Was all she could manage. Trixie released her hands form around katyas neck and took a seat beside her.

" you know?" She asked incredulously.

" I'm not an idiot mama. I know when someone staring at me. Especially you? How am I not supposed to notice you" Katya laughed leaning against Trixie, but only slightly.

" well?" Trixie asked breath catching, heart in throat.

" well for starters you have a boyfriend bri. Not to mention we work together" Katya trailed off trying to come up with any excise that Trixie might take.

" I didn't ask you if it would work. 'Well?' means do you feel the same?" Trixie asked as calmly as possible as he stomach twisted into knots that could only be undone by one person.

" I love you so much Barbara. More than words could fucking describe" Trixies heart did a somersault before exploding. " but your in a relationship and like I said before we work together. So what are we even going to do it's this information?" Katya finished.

Trixie hadn't really thought about that.

" we don't do a uniting about it" she whispered relaijg that it could never work.

" sure trix. We can be in love and never tell a soul" Katya meant for it to co,e out as a playful teasing joke, but it sounded more serious as the words flowed past her lips.

" perfect"

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