The Talk

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The phone sat in front of him on the table, urging him to pick it up. It was stupid to call Trixie at a time when there would be so many other queens around her, but still something pushed him.

Ring. Ring. Ring

" please pick up" Katya whispered quietly to himself.

Trixie POV

I was sitting on a couch surrounded by other drag race girls when Katya called. They were all talking ( yelling ) about something that had happened on stage the previous hour. Everyone was drunk and smelled of alcohol and hairspray. However I didn't hesitate to reach for my phone and pick up, I had been anxious for days wondering what Katya was up too.

" hey" I said loudly into the phone to make sure that he could hear me over all the noise.

" hey, how's tour?" He sounded tired and I could hear it in his voice.

" yeah no it's good, I miss you though" I said slightly more hushed. The other queens in the room slowly quieted as they realized I was on the phone. A few stopped to listen, and others carried on talking quietly.

"Is it Katya?" Alaska whispered quietly from beside me on the couch. I nodded and winked. Of course people would assume I was talking to Katya.

" I miss you too! You have no idea how lonely I've been. Well I'm usually lonely" he laughed a little bit, but I could tell it really wasn't a joke.

" I know, you spend a month on tour together and then suddenly your alone. Feels weird" I sighed sinking into the couch and adjusting.

" yeah about tour.... I think maybe we should talk considering we're going back on the road again soon" Katya breathed clearly nervous on the other end. Fuck.

Me and Katya had gotten closer at the last stop on our tour. We had most definitely crossed some boundaries. Still I decided to play somewhat dumb.

" what do you mean?" I asked, just trying to buy myself more time before the awkwardness began.

" mama, don't play that game. You know what" he knew me too well.

Sure we had fucked a few times, and sure we kissed and held hands and shit, but really we haven't crossed any real boundaries. Well maybe the sex did.

" you want to have the talk" I clarified. This caught a few other girls attention as they too stopped to listen. " okay wait let me go somewhere private if you want to talk about that" I said as made my way to my own private dressing room.

" okay I'm on my own now" I said opening the door and closing it behind me firmly. I braced myself calmly for the words of rejection that were to come.

" okay well, you already know what this is about trix. We can't keep doing that and keep up a work relationship" he sighed just as uncomfortable as me.

" I know we can't" so what did he want? The relationship or the work?

" I can't keep doing things with you, and kissing you and have it mean nothing because" he paused clearly attempting to gather himself. " because you mean too much to me"

" okay, so what your saying is we can't keep fucking and making out because you don't feel that way about me and we have to work together?" The ringing in my ears became louder as I stressed about what he would say next

" I-no." He stammered. " I never said I didn't care about you, I just think that if you want to do all that extra stuff, and work together, it can't just be ' fun' you know? It has to be real" he finished. I waited a lot longer than necessary before replying.

" so you don't mind doing the stuff you just want it to be a real relationship? Is that what your saying" I really hoped he would just say yes.

" I mean I guess so." There was a shockingly long pause as I attempted to gather my thoughts.

" know I love you right?" It came out as more of a whisper than intended.

" I love you too. So does that mean?..." he trailed off wanting me to say it.

" yes." Was all I said, as the heat rose in my cheeks.

" okay then. We can maybe talk mor in person at some point" he said satisfied

" yeah okay. Night Brian..." I paused debating if I should say it again. " love you"

" love you" he repeated before hanging up the phone.

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