Its a Date

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Trixie and Katya had just finished filming an interview with pop buzz. Now the two of them sat in a smallish room, with only a tv and a sofa.

" We should go on a date sometime" Trixie said, so randomly and out of the blue that Katya just laughed out loud.

" sure bitch, I'll wear my fanciest shoes for you" Katya joked playfully shoving her friends shoulder. Trixie made no move. She didn't laugh, she just stared into katyas eyes.

" oh...OH wait your serious?" Katya inquired quite honestly taken aback. Years and years ago Katya had had feelings for trixie, but those feelings the last six years had never been reciprocated.

" yes I'm serious bitch" troxie replied. The small room was feeling smaller and smaller as katyas heart pounded out of her chest. " I don't want to make it a big deal just say yes or no" she said in typical Trixie fashion.

" uh yeah- yeah I mean I would I just never thought... never mind" Katya stuttered remembering that Trixie just wanted a simple answer. " yes I would like that"

" okay, we can talk about the details later. Anyway did you see fucking whehwjjsgebdjducbc"

Katya completely tuned out everything else Trixie said. They had just made a huge decision, that they had been putting off for just about a decade, and they were going to act like it didn't just happen.


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