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Trixie stood with Bianca, Adore, Alaska, and Courtney in the living room of her and katyas apartment. The six of them were going to a bar, and they were most definitely going in drag. Katya sat in her room getting ready while Trixie entertained the guests.

Trixie and Katya had been best friends for seven years and they had been dating for now five of those years, and they had been living together for three.

" don't let me get too drunk please." Trixie sighed leaning against the back of the couch. " I don't want katyas sober ass to have to take care of my drunk one"

" While we're on the topic of drinking" Bianca turned to Adore " maybe don't put back as many as you did last time chola. I do not want to be getting any calls at 3 am that you just shit your bed or some nonsense." The other queens laughed a little. Adore was known to put back to many drinks for what she could handle.

" shut the fuck up" adore said joining in the laughter a bit. The queens continued to talk when all of a sudden a voice called out from the other room.

" Tracy we should get a cat" came Katyas voice from the bedroom. Trixie turned to the other girls and gave them a look of see what I have to deal with?

" we literally have a podcast, the Trixie and Katya show, a web series, two books, another web series, a Netflix show, I have queen of the universe, and the motel?You think that we have time to take care of a living thing?" Trixie asked rolling her eyes.

" yes. I think we have all the time in the world." Katya called again. Alaska put a hand over her mouth to stifle her laugh.

" Brian really? You want a fucking cat? That's so random" Trixie commented furrowing her brows.

" pleeeaaassseeee?" Katya called out in a whiny voice. The other queens looked at trixie waiting for her response.

" fine but I'm not scooping any poop out of that litter box. And the food dishes for it are going to be pink" The other girls in the room were shocked. Nobody could ever persuade Trixie i to anything, and it took Katya less then 5 minutes to get Trixie to invite a living being into their house.

Katya finished getting in drag and raced into the room giving Trixie a big smile.

" we're getting a cat" she informed the other girls as if they hadn't already heard.

"you guys with a fucking cat? Oh I can not wait to see this" Bianca said rolling her eyes.

" are you guys ever going to get married?" Adore whined. All she really wanted was to be able to dress up for a wedding.

" this one doesn't ever want to get married" Trixie said preoccupied with getting her shoes on but still pointing at Katya.

The girls laughed as Katya struck a pose.


The bar was crowded and Trixie was getting tired of dancing. Katya noticed and pulled her to the side, where it was quiet and not many people were around.

" you okay?" Katya asked rubbing trixies back.

" yeah I'm good, just thinking" Trixie sighed smiling weakly.

" what?" Katya said continuing to rub small circles along trixies back.

" I just- are you sure" Trixie inhaled deeply. " you really never want to get married?"

" oh" Katya was slightly taken aback. She never thought Trixie would care. She didn't much seem like the type to settle down either. " trix if you really want to get married, I mean, I would. I would do anything for you. I just never thought that you cared"

" I didn't think I did either, but maybe I do" Trixie sighed fully turning now to face katya.

" do you want to get married or you just feel pressured to?" It was a fair question for Katya to ask. Most of the time they were being told they should but that wasn't something they necessarily wanted to do.

" I don't know. I think maybe I want to. But if you don't that's fine. Really it is, there's no rush or anything" Trixie was speaking like they hadn't known each other for nine years.

" if you want to I'm down to get married whenever. Just say the word alright? Think about a bit though" Katya said leaning up and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

" okay" Trixie whispered feeling a lot happier than she had before.

" oh and I still want that cat bitch. Maybe even two!" Katya called out as they made their way back out to the dance floor.

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