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" Fuck" was all Trixie could say as she stumbled her way backstage. She was exhausted from a long evening of performances, and it was obvious Katya felt the same by the way she was dragging her feet.

" Why did we ever agree to do this again?" She breathed out, referring to the huge stage they had just performed on.

" Mary I don't know" Katya said ripping her microphone off aggressively. " you did it for the money, I did it cause you were doing it" Trixie sighed, knowing that that was exactly right. She tended to do things from a budget standpoint, and Katya would follow her lead. It was one of the things she loved about her friend, Katya never failed to keep her in check

" Do you want to grab dinner together?" Trixie asked as they made their way out the stage door.

" By grabbing dinner I hope you mean room service, cause if I'm not in bed by 10pm tonight I'm going to loose my shit"  Katya laughed. Neither of them had bothered to get out of drag, partially from exhaustion but mostly because the hotel they were staying at was within walking distance.

" My room or your room?" Trixie asked as they entered the hotel. It was quiet, not many people were checking in and out at 8 o'clock at night and they were grateful for it.

" Yours because then I can make a mess of the sheets and not have to clean anything up afterwards" this earned a laugh from Trixie.

" it's a hotel. They do the cleaning remember?" She laughed as she slid her room key into the lock.

Trixies room was large enough to accommodate many people. There were stairs that led to some sort of loft, and it seemed like there was another bed up there.

Katya threw his extra bags down in a huff as he made his way to the bathroom to get out of drag.

" Oh shit..Trix?" Katya called out from the bathroom. The lighting was harsh against her eyes as she poked her head in the room. " I forgot makeup wipes, do you have any?"

" A drag queen without a makeup wipe?" Trixie said incredulously tossing a package to Katya from her bag.

" you know I try to leave any venue as soon as possible, and that usually means I forget something" she sighed ripping open the package with a satisfying ripping sound. It was true that Katya liked to leave quickly. It was expected that she would be on the road and out of there before Trixie could even come to say good show.

" you can spend the night here. You can just unload your stuff if you want" Trixie said eyeing the bags Katya had scattered on the floor.

" You sure you want my old ass taking up your space?" Katya laughed removing her false eyelashes with a gentle tug.

" I don't know what your talking about" Trixie teased. " I love old ass. Grandpas turn me on"

" bitch I'm the one who licked a 65 year old grandpa ass. Stay in your own lane" Katya said pulling off his wig to reveal Brian.

" this is really a whole set up you have here" Trixie mused as he watched his friend lay out dental tools he didn't know the names of.

" my teeth are the only hot thing I have going for me. I have to at least keep that in check" she laughed beginning the process of cleaning her teeth.

" that is not the only hot thing you have going for you!" Trixie half shouted instantly regretting it by the way Katya looked at her. Obviously she had crossed some sort of boundary. It probably wasn't a good idea to be calling your best friend hot to their face.

" oh yeah? you think I'm hot?" Katya asked raising an eyebrow.

" whatever" Trixie said exiting the bathroom with the heat already having risen in her cheeks.


They finished dinner and retired to trixies bed where they immediately began scrolling through the channels in search of a good movie.

" Legally Blonde started 15 minutes ago, but I think it's our best option" Trixie said clicking on the movie. Trixie was laying on the right side of the bed and Katya on the left. The room was quickly filled by the actors on tv and laughs from the two queens, as they made fun of every little thing.

" do you ever wonder what it would be like if you didn't choose blonde as your trade wig?" Katya asks turning her head to the side only to notice how far away Trixie was from her.

" I have no idea what your talking about! I occasionally do I little pink or purple action" she said crossing her arms jokingly.

" twice in a decade you did something different." Katya teased as Trixie began pulling up accounts of her doing something different with her wigs, which only resulted in Katya laughing more.

" Your so far away. Do you think I'm going to bite your arm?" Trixie asked bringing up an inside joke they had in an attempt to conceal the fact that she was missing her friends touch.

" I wish you would" Katya said sliding in a little closer so that their arms brushed.

" maybe I will" Trixie paused and checked herself.

" are you feeling okay tonight? first call me hot and now you want to fucking bite me? Oh my god did you take an edible while I was cleaning my teeth?" Katya laughed pushing into her friend jokingly. Trixies face turned red.

" no I'm just being too open" Trixie sighed focusing her gaze on the television so that she couldn't see katyas reaction. Either Katya was too stunned to speak or just didn't know what to say because she went absolutely quiet. " sit up for a second" Trixies words were almost a whisper

Katya thought for a moment that she had over stepped her boundaries. She had said something or done something, or maybe staying with Trixie the night was simply too much. She sat up and prepared to be kicked out, when she felt a hand wrap firmly around her waist. It hooked her and pulled her in.

" okay lay back down. Sorry" Trixie spoke as if what she was doing was not completely out of the blue random. Katya took it as a signal to carefully lay her head down between trixies shoulder and jaw.

Never had either one of the, felt as comfortable as they did in each others arms.

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