The Call

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" hello?" Came trixies voice on the other end of the phone line. Although Katya and her were in the middle of a little argument, there was no one else to call. Katya could hear the club music in the background, which meant she was busy. Too busy to come over.

" sorry trix i didn't mean to call you" Katya lied, saving herself the rejection.

" please don't lie to me and just tell me what's up" of course Trixie would catch her. Of all people to lie too do t choose the person who knows you best.

Trixie didn't sound mad, but she didn't sound thrilled that Katya was calling at such a late hour. And obviously she was at a club, she couldn't tell if she was there for fun or working a gig.

" bri you still there?" Trixie asked. " one second I can't hear you" Katya listened as the party music faded and the sound of a door closing silenced it all together.

" yeah sorry I just need someone right now and I know your sort of mad at me right now but" katyas voice trailed off. She couldn't even remember what they had been fighting about it the first place. The other end of the phone went silent.

" sorry" Katya tried pleading with Trixie to respond and just say she couldn't come over. To shut her down so that she could move on.

" you need me to come over?" Came trixies voice. Katya was taken aback. Although the two of them were best friends, it was rare that they actually spent time together. Although the didn't hang out it went without saying that they were always there for each other.

" not of your busy. I'll manage" Katya said, hoping that she really wasn't busy.

" do you need me?" Trixie said emphasizing the word need. " I'll always come no matter what if you need me."

" yeah" Katya paused trying not to sound weak. " I do"

" okay, I can be there in a half an hour okay? Forget about whatever we were fighting about, it's not important" all Trixie got in response was a sniffle.

" are you crying?" Katya didn't respond yes or no which answered trixies question n

" alright well I'll be there soon" Trixie said before hanging up.


Trixie twisted the key Katya had given to her years ago in lock. The apartment was fairly large and tidy. She found Katya seated on a couch staring at absolutely nothing but the turned off tv.

" bri?" Trixie said not sure if she had her her enter. " you okay?"

" can we just hang out and not talk about it?" Katya said turning her head to look at Trixie. That meant knowing Katya as well as she did, that she was okay visibly and physically, but mentally she was a wreck. Trixie knew that Katya had a long list of mental health issues.

" okay, do you want to watch a movie or order some food?" Trixie asked kindly.

From the outside looking in, it seemed as if katya had just called Trixie over for a casual hang out, but in reality it meant so much more.

" yeah" was all she got. Trixie took that as an invitation to sit down next to Katya who immediately let her head fall onto trixies shoulder.

" I'm sorry" she whispered into her shoulder.

" no don't be. To be honest I don't even remember what we were arguing about" Trixie said lightly rubbing circles on her back.

" you should be at the club right now. Not sitting here with me" Katya sighed clearly feeling guilty.

" Brian it's fine. You know your more important that some dumb gig. Plus they weren't paying me well enough considering I'm Trixie Mattel. You'd think they could do better." This earned a small laugh from katya. Slowly she wrapped her arms around her trying her best to comfort her.

" did I tell you the story of how I fucked a bartender at the club I was at, and then accidentally broke a case of glass bottles?" Trixie asked knowing this would excite her.

" go on." Katya laughed.

And the two of them sat there for hours wrapped in each others arms.

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