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Katya sat backstage in her dressing room, doing her final steps to get ready for her show. The energy in Boston was great, the venue was beautiful, the only thing that would make it better was if Trixie could be there. She missed her friend a lot. They didn't see each other a lot as is, let alone in different states entirely. They still called each other every night, and told each other about their exhausting days, but it wasn't the same.

Just as Katya was touching up her lipstick, in walked Alaska. The two of them would be performing read u wrote u live for the fans.

Katya looked up to meet Alaskas eyes only to find them worried.

" you okay? I know it's a big stage, but I know you've performed on bigger" Katya said looking back down, as her hands rummaged through her makeup bag.

" Am I okay?" Alaska asked incredulously. " girl I came to see if you were okay, obviously" Katya raised an eyebrow as her hands paused their search.

" I fail to see how it's obvious" she as she sat down to pull on a pair of stoned heels. Trixie had bought them for her birthday a few years back, and they were still her favourite shoe.

" you haven't checked twitter? Trixie just texted me to tell you that she's tipsy, and to ignore it" Alaskas eyes shifted nervously around the room, looking at everything but katya.

" What's on twitter? Wait your telling me she's drunk enough to post something stupid on twitter but sober enough to send out a warning? Hmm don't know if I'm buying that" Katya said finishing the zipper on her last heel and reaching for her phone.

" don't freak before we go onstage please." Alaska whined as she impatiently waited for Katya to pull up this tweet.

I'm in love with my best friend, and it's killing me. Anyway how's your day going?

Katya made no move to panic which suprised Alaska.

" Trixie has more than one friend you know" she said reading the text one more time.

" that's true, but she only has one best friend. Also she tagged you. And let's not forget how she told me to pass a message along to you that she's drunk" Alaska said stating the facts.

Katyas heart sunk. It was undeniable that Trixie and her had a chemistry like no other, but never had she thought that Trixie would feel this way. It went without saying that Katya had always liked Trixie, it was honestly pretty obvious.

" well I guess I'll have to talk to her later" was all Katya said as she made her move towards the door.

" your joking right? 7 years of friendship, and Trixie Mattel fucking confesses online to having feelings for you and you don't care. Your not even breaking a sweat mama" Alaska said indignant. " do you like her back? I need the tea!" She whined out impatiently.

" I don't know lasky" Katya said playing it cool, when really her stomach was doing turns.

" okay so if she asked you out you would say no?" Alaska said raising an eyebrow

" well I didn't say that" Katya said smiling slightly, blowing her cool calm and collected cover.

" AHA go call her!" Alaska shouted. Katya knew damn well that this was for gossip, yea, and drama but she couldn't help but give in too it.

Alaska left the room leaving Katya alone with her phone.

" hey" came trixies voice on the other end. She sounded embarrassed, which was rare for her. " I assume your calling because of my idiotic tweet"

" it wasn't idiotic I don't think. But don't fucking scare me like that bitch! My heart just about stopped, but you were just drunk right?" Katya felt the need to double check. Deep down in the back of her brain she couldn't help but think to herself drunken words are just sober thoughts said aloud. This was a phrase Trixie had said to her not long ago, while watching something on Netflix.

" I was tipsy. Not drunk. I probably wouldn't have posted it sober" Trixie breathed heavy into the other end of the phone. She seemed distracted.

" did you,um, I don't know, I mean I know you probably didn't but.." Katya searched for the right words to ask the question. " do you get what I'm trying to ask?"

" Yeah get what your asking, but I'd honestly rather not answer." Katyas eyes widened for nobody to see.

" Mary?... are you saying" Trixie was quiet on the other end for a long time.

" maybe we should save this talk for when we're face to face." Trixie was saying all that needed to be said without saying it.

" trix... okay fine. In person" Katya knew she wouldn't be able to wait that long.

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