Missing You

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Trixie had put on a serious face and joked about how she wouldn't miss Katya at all, but now that the time for her departure was here, she could feel the tears behind her eyes threaten to fall at any moment. She had to keep reminding herself that this was a good opportunity for Katya and that she couldn't hold her back.

Katya glanced over at Trixie who was lost in thought. She was aware that Trixie was afraid of flying so assumed that was the issue, considering they were sitting on a plane. Carefully Katya reached over and grabbed her friends hand, hoping to ease her nerves.

" you okay?" She whispered just to make sure the queens in the seats ahead of them didn't hear.

" I'm okay. I'm just going to miss you" Trixie said smiling faintly at Katya who immediately looked sad.

She didn't expect to win all stars, but she thought that it would be fun to compete again, although she had completely forgot about the part where she would have to leave her friend.

" oh trix you know im going to miss you so fucking much" she sighed holding trixies hand tighter. " but you'll keep busy."

" I know I'll be busy but it's more fun when we're busy together" Trixie said fighting back the urge to cry. It was no secret that she ran multiple businesses and had multiple tv shows, but she much preferred the work she did with Katya then what she did on her own.

" bitch I'll be back before you know it. There isn't a chance im sticking around that long" Katya said glancing at Alyssa and Alaska, implying that they were the best queens.

" No I want you to do well and go far, it's just going to be hard without you. I know we don't see each other that much outside of filming but" Trixie stopped before finishing her sentence. It wasn't like her to be cringy. " but your my favourite person, for real" she breathed out letting the words linger in the air.

Katya thought for a minute before responding.

" I remember one time during a hey queen interview, I said you were my favorite person. And I  remember telling the audience that your so funny, that your not that nice, and that your beautiful." She said remembering as if it were yesterday. " don't loose any of that while I'm gone okay? Dont fall into a weird slump"

Trixie laughed a little as a tear rolled down her cheek.

" god I feel like an idiot" she laughed wiping at her cheeks. Trixie Mattel was not a cryer.

" your not an idiot brian" Katya said reaching out and wiping a single tear. " I promise the minute I get out of their, I'm going to come and annoy the living hell out of you, your going to wish I was back in that werk room." This caused Trixie to laugh, which is all Katya really wanted to hear. It let her know that she would be alright.


The plane landed and the queens exited. The airport was as far as Trixie was allowed to a company her.

" well I guess this is goodbye" Trixie smiled sadly as Katya grabbed her luggage. The other queens were slowly walking away which meant they had to hurry it up.

Katya leaned up and gave Trixie a quick peck on the lips. It was friendly, but it was also meaningful.

" now miss Mattel I promise to take good care of miss Katya zimolwanga for you." Alyssa Edward said appearing out of no where. Her and a few other queens had stopped to wait for Katya.

" her diapers need changing every two hours" Trixie whispered which made them all laugh a little bit. Now that people were around she knew she couldn't cry, she knew she had to hold it together.

" bye bri, go win for me" Trixie said giving Katya a tighter than necessary hug.

" love you trix" Katya whispered so silently that she was sure no one could here.


Top four. Never had Katya expected to make it this far. Although she was proud of everything she had accomplished she couldn't help but think of her friend watching from home.

" you okay darling diva?" Came Alyssa's voice from behind her. The werk room was basically empty now.

" oh yeah no I'm great" Katya smiled masking her pain. " I'm just missing Trixie that's all"

Alyssa nodded understandingly " I didn't know how close you two were. I knew you were besties  but I didn't know it was.."

" well we've never really been apart this long. Even when Trixie goes on tour I'm able to FaceTime her every day and vent. But I can't do that here" Katya said avoiding what Alyssa was going to say.

" hmm, why don't I" Alyssa breathed for a moment. " why don't I give you my phone call. I won a free call home last challenge, but I was just planning on calling my dance studio secretary to make sure the moms haven't taken things over.  It that sounds silly compared to what your going through"

" no no. Keep your call. Don't do that for me" Katya said

" kat, I'm officially giving you my one phone call" Alyssa said laughing at katyas stubbornness


"Hello?" Came the familiar voice. Katya was using a phone that a crew member had given to her, so it was no wonder her caller id wasn't recognizable.

" trix?"

" oh my god. Kat! How?" Came trixies voice on the other end.

" Alyssa won a phone call home and she gave it to me because I was missing you" Katya smiled even though nobody could see her.

" oh my gosh I've missed you so much. I can't believe your in top 4!" She said excitedly.

The two of them talked for an hour about random shit that meant nothing.

" ugh my hours up, I have to go" Katya sighed sadly I to the phone.

" it's okay, I'll see you soon alright? You get back in town you better come over to my apartment and annoy the living hell out of me like you promised" Trixie laughed.

" oh honey you know I will" she smiled before hanging up the phone.


Katya knew that she should be sad that she was eliminated but all she could do was be grateful. In just a few hours she could be with Trixie once more.


There was a noise at the door of trixies apartment causing her to jump. It wouldn't be the first time a fan tried to sneak into her pink apartment.

" fuck me" Trixie sighed as she ran to the door, to double check it was locked.

It was locked, but now Trixie was really regretting not having a security system. All she could do was watch as the door knob twisted and opened.

Quickly Trixie grabbed the closest thing in reach, which happened to be a metal water bottle. The minute the door opened she gave it a hard throw, hitting the intruder.

" ow you fucking bitch!" Come the voice form the doorway.

"Oh my god kat?!" Trixie said racing around the corner to see her friend holding her arm. Katya was still in full drag and she looked stunning. " it's you? I thought I was being robbed" Trixie sighed

" who else has a key to your apartment?" Katya asked questioningly. " whatever forget all that. I missed you"

" you have no idea how lonely I've been" Trixie said walking over to hug her friend. They hugged for such a long time that Katya had to pull away.

" can I have a small kiss mama?" Katya asked politely

Trixie didn't respond she just leaned down and kissed her friend kindly.

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