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It had been an amazing show for Trixie and the other queens. They had just performed on one of the biggest stages in the world, in front of an audience of adoring fans. It was almost perfect, except for the fact that one very important person was missing. Katya. She had been busy with her own tour when Trixie had brought up the idea of the drag race tour. It hadn't really set in until now that she missed her.

The queens were gathered around backstage, drinks in hand, toasting to tonight's amazing show when Trixie got the call.

" hello?" Trixie asked, silencing the other queens in the room.

" hey trix, it's Eden" katyas assistant said voice cracking on the other end of the phone.

" I was just thinking about you guys. Can I talk to kat?" Trixie asked hopefully.

The other girls in the room smiled at Trixie. They loved Katya and wanted to hear from her as well, however Eden didn't respond.

" Eden?" She heard sniffling from the other end. She was crying. " Eden stop it your scaring me" Trixie laughed, trying to play it cool in order not to scare the other girls in the room.

" trix.... Katya had an overdose" Trixies heart stopped for a split second and her breathing became laboured.

" oh shit really? Is she back in rehab?" This quickly got the other queens attention, and they began whispering to each other worriedly.

" no Brian." Using out of drag names showed the severity of the situation.

Trix what's going on?

Is kat okay?

How was her show?

Tell her I said hi

The whispered questions went ignored.

" no" Trixie shook her head. " no stop don't do this"

" Brian I'm so sorry" at this point silent tears we're running down the Barbie's face.

" no. No. Stop it please don't say it" the fear rising in her voice.

" she's gone" Eden sobbed. Trixie didn't wait to hear anymore. All she did was hang up and sit still staring staring ahead.

" Trixie what happened. Did she relapse?" Asked a concerned Alaska.

" um. She overdosed. She didn't make it" Trixie stayed stock still. He didn't move at all whatsoever and the tears stopped. It was as if all life had been drained for, her leaving something worse than a shattered heart.

" oh my god" adore gasped. A few of the girls began to cry, but most held it together. They were much more concerned for Trixie than they were themselves.

" brian, are you okay?" Courtney asked placing a hand on her back.

" what kind of idiot fucking question is that? Of course she's not okay" Bianca snapped from the other side of the couch.

All Trixie could do was stand up and quietly walk to her private dressing room. All she wanted to do was die. Part of her, a strong part, wanted to join her in whatever afterlife she was in. But she knew that's not what Katya would want. Trixie paced the room and before collapsing ina fit of tears.

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