The Call ( alternative ending )

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It was 2 am and Trixie was feeling alone. Exhaustion ran through his body as he made his way toward the kitchen, where he had left his phone to charge. Trixie racked his brain, trying to think who he could possibly call at this hour.

There was always David, trixies boyfriend, but then again..... Trixie let his finger linger over the one contact who he knew he absolutely should not call, but oh how he longed to.

Trixie missed Katya with every fiber of his being. Ever since the show ended, and the terrible words had been said, they hadn't really spoken at all. Trixie had to constantly remind herself that Katya was a mentally ill drug addict who needed help. Help that she couldn't provide for her. Trixie was well aware that Katya was out of remission, but she had made no move to visit or reach out.

Would Katya still come when she needed her? They used to no matter where or when, have a pact that they would always show up for each other no matter what. Did any of that stil apply? Trixie highly doubted, for all she knew Katya had her number blocked and was living out in Hawaii.

Something pushed her to press the button. Her only real comfort for the last 5 years had been with that person, it wasn't worth throwing away. David gave Trixie a different kind of comfort that what Katya could give her, and that is why Trixie didn't feel bad pressing on katyas name that night.

Ring Ring Ring

" trix? It's so late" Came that familiar voice that she had longed to hear for months.

" you picked up" Trixie breathed. Unable to comprehend the fact that they were actually talking.

" well I was worried. It's 2 am." Trixie wanted to ask a million questions, but she pulled back.

" oh." Was the best she could come up with.

" are you okay?" Katya asked. Trixie debated lying. It was always an option, but never had she once lied to her before.

" no, I'm not. I can't sleep. I haven't in days" she sighed truthfully. There was a long pause.

" why didn't you call David?" Trixie breathed in a sharp sigh.

" I'll be honest, I just wanted my friend. I miss you bri" another long pause.

" do you want me to come over?" Katyas voice wavered on the other side. She seemed to be completely taken aback by trixies affection.

" you would do that?" She asked shocked by the offer. She hated that it didn't feel natural anymore.

" if you need me I'll always come" Katya said in a hushed, almost whispered voice as if she were afraid to say the words.

" I always need you."


A key slid into trixies apartment lock. Katya twisted the key ever so slowly. It had been along time, and it felt wrong.

She walked in to find Trixie on the couch, bags creased her eyes.

" oh trix" she said taking in her friends weak features.

" I know I look like a fucking wreck." Trixie sighed, rubbing her eyes and smearing black makeup residue down her cheek.

" will you sleep here with me tonight? I totally get it if you don't want to" Trixie said looking down and away from Katya fast. If she got rejected she could quicker higher her red cheeks.

" Trix stop acting like I'm an unstable, unreliable friend.I know I haven't always been there, recently, but I'm not a bad person. I will always be there when you need me bitch, even if I had to rip an iv bag out of me to get here." Katya said holding out a hand for Trixie to take. " now care to tell me what's been keeping you from sleeping?"

Trixie willingly took the hand without a second thought as they walked toward the bed.

" it's embarrassing but I was missing you a lot. Like a lot a lot. Since you left everything in my life has more or less been a downward spiral. I stopped doing all my tours, I stopped selling and making cosmetics, and I haven't been making new episodes of anything. I've just been in a slump." Trixie said sliding under the covers.

Katya only slightly hesitated before climbing in beside her.

" I'm so so so sorry mama. I should have reached out the minute I got out of remission but I didn't." Trixie didn't respond. There was nothing to forgive because Trixie never felt mad.

" I saw moving parts." Katya said referring to trixies documentary. " there was this particular scene in it, where you were just doing your makeup, and I played that back so many times. You said something like ' I didn't like being on my own as much as I liked being with her. Of all people to hate me, I hate that that person hates me' that hit me hard, because I never hated you trix. The drugs did. And it's not an excuse , I still take full responsibility. I really related to that first sentence because, when I was watching it I was sitting on my own thinking how lonely I am without you."

Trixie didn't speak for fear of tears. All she could do was turn and roll into katyas accepting arms.

" love you trix" Katya whispered into her head.

" I love you kat"

" No. I love you" Katya clarified. " And I know that it's unfair of me to put all this on you on top of everything else I've done but" Katya trailed off preparing for rejection.

" I love you too. Stop stressing" Trixie laughed

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