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Trixie POV

I was supposed to be having a good time but something was holding me back. Here I am sitting in the VIP section of a famous club feeling nothing. Around me danced, Kim Chi, David, and Adore. They were drunk, and as much as I love wine, I couldn't get in the mood to drink either.

Just as I was planning on making an excuse to leave the poorly lit bar my phone rang.

" hey!" I said a little too enthusiastically. I was thrilled to be hearing from Katya, especially now. Which then made me realize the time. " bitch it's 1 am! What are you doing still up?"

" I'm DYING!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear to save myself from hearing loss.

" well that's dramatic. Wait you sound stuffy" I said glancing around to see my one sober friend Bianca eyeing me strangely.

" it's Katya" I whispered over to her. Bianca just rolled her eyes hard, she too looked like she wanted to be anywhere else

" I'm sick! You know I don't get sick!" Katya cried into the other end of the phone.

" you don't get sick, you stay sick" I said unable to resist the joke.

" Brian this is serious. I don't know what to do"  Katya whined. Clearly she had zero experience with the flu.

" You put a fucking tissue up your nostril, make yourself a cup of tea and call it a night. And you get lots of rest. So maybe don't t stay up until one in the morning when your sick. Just a thought" Katya sighed heavily as she sniffed again sounding, if possible, worse.

" I swear to god the world is ending!" I stifled a laugh at her excessive attitude.

" bri, if you can deal with an STI you can deal with a cold. This should be easier actually, you won't be shitting in a trash can"

" Trixie Mattel so help me, if you don't get your ass down here and shoot so,e fucking pills down my throat I swear to god" Katya threatened so,what jokingly.

" relax bitch I'm on my way. This is my one good deed this year by the way." I said before hanging up. I stood up out of the uncomfortable leather seat, that took a layer of skin off with it.

" your not really going to katyas apartment to take care of her are you?" Bianca asked making me jump. I had complete forgotten she was there.

" yeah well she did threaten me so" I said jokingly as I searched for my purse. " don't give me that look"

" mhm your guys are awfully close friends. Some may say too close" Bianca shouted over the music. It was a wonder I had even been able to pick up on what Katya had been saying.

" shit the fuck up and go flirt with adore." I said making sure to playfully flip her off before catching my Uber.


" oh my god my nose is running! Why is this happening to me?" Katya called out making me throw my head back and laugh. I was standing over her while she cried into her tissue on the couch.

" because you have terrible hygiene!" I said earning a small laugh from Katya which quickly turned into a vigorous cough.

" alright you big baby, I'm going to grab us so,e blankets" I said making my way to the closet I knew she kept her spare bedding in.

" us?" Katya said her voice raspy from coughing.

" yep. I'm not going back to that bar just to wake up with a hangover. And I'm it driving all the way home at this time" I looked over to see her grinning which made me smile.

I carefully tossed the blankets on the couch and then threw one over Katya. She was nestled into the corner of the couch with a box of tissues. I carefully cuddled in against her. Clearly she was t expecting me because she slightly flinched.

" bitch your going to get sick!" Katya said trying to shove me off of her.

" well then I'll just have to stay here longer" I said gripping her tighter. Eventually she caved and allowed me to cuddle.

" can we just sleep here tonight?" Katya asked referring to the couch.

" of course but only if you kiss me first." So,e random wave of confidence had overtaken me making my stomach turn.

" what?" My brain moved quickly. I could take it back or go for it.

" I said you have to kiss me first" I said expecting rejection. I was pulling a Katya as we called it. More often than not she was the one pushing our friendship to borderline relationship, but tonight I felt like it being me.

" then you'll definitely get sick no way." Katya said but still turned her head to face mine.

" but I don't care about that" I pouted lightly stroking her hands in mine

" trix what has gotten into you?" There was a long pause as despite her argument, began to lean in. " this is the stupidest thing we've ever done" she whispered before closing the gap.

The kiss lasted longer than friendly ones did, and just as she pulled away I leaned back in for one more.

" what the fuck" Katya sighed as she cuddled back into my arms and laughed.

" goodnight" I whispered. I knew that we would probably never speak of this night again so I tried to appreciate the moment.

Trixya one shots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ