The kiss

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" you bitch!" Trixie said chasing her friend outside. Katya had just shoved her causing her to trip and stumble into an unsuspecting fan. It had honestly been quite funny, but Trixie was t going to let her get away with it.

It was hot at LA's Drag Con and people were everywhere. Katya ran and dodged people until she made it to a secluded area outside, behind the building.

" I'm going to melt this fucking makeup off out here" Trixie laughed as she rounded the corner, grabbing Katya in her arms playfully.

" don't hurt me mother!" Katya joked as she laughed.

" how fucking dare you!" Trixie said holding Katya tighter, to insure she didn't go anywhere.

Katya lifted her head slightly to look at trixie. They were a lot closer than she remembered them being. The sun poured down on them, and they were on their own.

" we should probably go inside" Katya whispered, but made no move to leave.

" yeah we should" Trixie replied earnestly as she found herself leaning in. She was so tempted to close the small gap between them but struggled to find the courage to do it.

" trix just do it" Katya whispered into her lips. This wasn't the first time Trixie had almost kissed her and then chickened out.

Trixie smiled a little at her friends impatience before leaning in and closing the small space between them. It was a long time coming

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