Drunk Part 2

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If you haven't already go read part 1!

The cafe wasn't very busy, which made sense considering it was almost 11 pm. The two shared a secluded booth towards the back, which gave them room to talk privately.

" oh honey" Trixie started, face concealed by his menu. " oh honnnnneeey" he continued, earning a laugh from Katya. " honnnneeeeyyyy" making his friend wheeze harder.

" what are you having?" Katya managed to get out.

" I might just get a burger." Trixie sighed reviewing his choices. " or maybe the pasta"

Katya just nodded and continued staring at his menu. Trixie found the amount of focus and concentration in his friends face adorable.

" God I love you" Trixie said still staring at him.

" what?" Katya said head snapping up to meet Trixies gaze.

" I said I love you" Trixie said not having the gull to even be slightly embarrassed. It was part of his personality. He never gave a fuck what anyone else thought, and he just stated what was on his mind plainly.

" love you too trix" Katya smiled before looking back down at his menu.

" Brian I'm telling you I love you. Not love you" Trixie stated as per usual not even breaking a sweat by the awkward silence that ensued.

" trix are you still feeling the effects of those drinks form earlier" Katya couldn't help but laugh. It was all he could do to compress the butterflies in his stomach.

"No bitch. That was hours ago." Trixie said nonchalantly.

" Brian you have David. Stop." Katya said. If he allowed Trixie to sweet talk him like this, he would fall into his trap. He had worked years to conceal these feelings, there wasn't a chance that he was going to let Trixie break down those walls now.

" Your right I should stop. But I'm sick of not addressing this" Katya slowly raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.

" I think we should date" he said putting his hands under the table to appear confident and hide the fact that they were shaking.

" do you have a fever or something. This is really unlike you" Katya nervously laughed not knowing what to make of the situation.

" Brian fucking Mckook I'm telling you I'm in love with you. I am not drunk and I am not sick." Trixie appeared calm and collected but in reality his mouth had gone dry, and his heart was racing out of his chest.

" you have a boyfriend" was all Katya said, not giving away his true feelings.

" Well I'm interested in someone else right now" Trixie said not giving into katyas weak attempts at changing the subject.

" Brian you know I love you" Katya sighed. " literally everyone knows I love you, but I can't get between you and David. I'm a fucking drug addict, and I'm not a very hard worker. You deserve someone like David who's actually healthy mentally and is a hard worker like you. I'm a piece of trash compared to him"

" First of all you've been sober for two years. Second of all, wether you like to admit or not, you work harder than you think" Trixie said not breaking the intense eye contact they were holding.

" I smoke." Katya said trying desperately to change his mind.

" everyone has flaws.  Besides  I've known you for like twelve years, and I know all the disturbing things about you, and I still want to be with you. That's love honey"

" why are you saying all this?" Katya asked completely taken aback by her friends boldness.

" because I want you" was all he said.

" I want you. But for some reason I feel like your going to regret wanting me" Trixie arched his eyebrow at the foreshadowing.

" stop being all dark and witchy. Just stop making this a big deal and just go out with me. Please"

" ok fine. I love you Brian and I'll go out with you. Better?"

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