We're Back

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Trixie POV

It's been almost a year since I've seen Brian. 365 days of nobody understanding my humour, 365 days of no filming, 365 days of no late phone calls or texts, 365 days loneliness. He's been out of rehab for months now based off of what his mother has told me. I don't know why I haven't reached out yet, probably because the last time we spoke wasn't on good terms. That isn't  to say I haven't been there for him though. I've made sure to shut down any tweet,comment or interview stating anything less than kind supportive words towards the situation.

That's why when my phone vibrated on the bar counter in front of me  tonight I was hesitant to pick up. Shock turned into excitement which quickly became fear.

" Who the fucks doctor Bitchcraft?" A drunk Courtney act slurred. Reading my caller ID. I was out for the night with a few drag race girls celebrating my all stars victory run. But none of that matters now. All my focus was on Brian.

" Um I should take this" I said standing up no heading for the doors. I unlocked my car and sat down in the drivers seat. I don't drink anymore. It's been tempting but it feels cruel to be out here intoxicating myself while my friend can't. At this point the phone isn't ringing anymore and he didn't leave a voicemail.

It takes me exactly three minutes call back. I felt like I knew Brian so well and now I don't know anything at all. Im sure he feels the same.

The phone only had to ring once before he picked up.

" Hey" the voice wasn't enthusiastic or sad. It was quiet and sullen. As if the all the life had been sucked out of it.

" Hey. What's up? Sorry I missed your call" I spoke calmly not wanting ti say everything on my mind all at once.

" It's alright. I was just wondering if we could meet up at some point. I want to talk in person" his voice shook with nerves. Clearly this was killing him.

" Yeah I would actually love that Bri" I said attempting to sooth his nerves.

" Well I'm free whenever. Not like my schedules busy. Obviously" I knew that it was supposed to be a joking comment but the sarcasm felt too real to laugh.

" how about tonight. I know it's late but I miss you. I can come to your place if you want" I was desperate. The sooner we talk the sooner I can lay my head on the pillow at night genuinely happy.

" oh yeah sure. That works." He sounded surprised at my urgency.

" okay I'll be there in 15 minutes." With that I hung up and pulled out of the parking lot. In reality I know it will only take me five minutes to get there from where I am now but I expect I'll be standing outside that door working up the courage to knock for at least 10 minutes.


His home is strangely clean. Before he had gone to rehab I remember coming over to his house and it being an absolute wreck. I remember a lot of things. Now here I sit on his clean couch without a thing to say yet a whole speech at the same time.

" Trix I don't even know where to start" he began. He looked a lot healthier but still so different. " I'm so So SO sorry. I can't even put into words how sorry I am and I know that doesn't cut it" his head fell into his hands. I slowly and hesitantly placed a hand on his back. He didn't utter don't touch me. And he didn't flinch. That was growth.

" Brian it's okay. I should be mad and I should feel upset but honestly I don't. I miss us. I just want to go back to how things were" I said truthfully. " I miss filming UNHhhh so much that I re watch episodes for two hours everyday." I laugh. This earns a small smile from him.

" I was actually thinking about how I want to start again. If that's okay with you" he smiled.

Before all this had had happened our web series was going to a really bad place. Footage of Katya storming off set had been leaked and from there chaos ensued. We stopped filming shortly after and all our other projects together came to halt.

" Your health will always come first. I don't care how much money we're making I really don't. As long as you're okay and we're having fun." I tightened my grip around him.

" Shut the fuck up with your sappy shit" he laughed. The first glimpse of the old Katya.

" What I meant to say was I do t give a fuck about you, you old cunty bitch go die for all i care" I laughed. Now we were both hysterical. Things felt the same. Things felt good.

This is the start of new trixya. A better version of ourselves I can feel it. We're back and stronger than before.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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