Drunk part 1

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The crowd went nuts as Trixie leaned in and lay a passionate kiss on her friends lips.

" goodnight LA!" Trixie called out as the two of them exited the stage. They were met backstage by a round of applause, it had been their final show on their tour and that called for celebration. As proud as she was that they had fought their way through the tour, she also felt sad about having to return to her busy schedule that didn't have time for Katya.

" the audience was amazing!" Trixie said pulling Katya into a small side hug which Katya quickly slid out of. " kat?" Trixie slurred, drunk and taken aback by her friends reluctance to be touchy.

" what?" Katya snapped, which was completely unlike her. " sorry, I just don't want to be around you when your like this." She said storming away to her private dressing room on the other side of the stage, leaving Trixie completely shocked. Katya almost never got mad, and it was strange to see this side of her, especially when they were supposed to be sharing a happy moment.

Just as she was thinking about following her, or going after her, a crew member came behind her to help get her garments off.

Trixie felt lonely in the small dressing room without her friend. This was supposed to be a fun moment for the two of them to share and instead they were spending it apart.

She sat in the mirror and watched as the layers of Trixie faded to reveal an exhausted and drunk brian. He picked up his phone once or twice, questioning wether it was too soon to reach out, or if he should give him one space.



Sorry for whatever I did


Don't you think it's a little petty if you to be acting like this?

Little selfish?

God why are you like this




He turned his attention towards the new presence in the room, to relieve his frustration.

" Hey David" he said shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He hated the idea that something he had done had left Katya feeling like this.

" you okay you seem a little irritated?" David asked shuting the door to give them a little privacy.

" Nothing i just feel like something is bothering kat and I can't figure it out" Trixie said pinching the bridge of his nose in worry.

" I'm sure she'll come around. I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner?" David asked. The two of the, had been together for a little over three years now, and it was at this point predictable what Trixie would say next.

Sorry but I want to check on Katya. Maybe another time. The same words David heard always katya every time, and at this point he knew there was no other time.

" sorry, but I think I should check up on kat. Maybe tomorrow?" Trixie said his expression filled with concern.

" come on really bri?" David huffed crossing his arms.

" what do you mean?" Trixie asked agitated by his bluntness to the whole situation. His friend was struggling, how could he not see that Trixie had to be there for him.

"Nothing I just feel like this isn't the first time this has happened. I mean I'm your boyfriend trix not him. You don't owe him anything" David grumbled but made no move for the door

" oh come on your joking?" Trixie said, but David's expression hadn't t changed. " David we've had this conversation me and Katya have a completely different relashionship than you and I"

" yeah it is different. And she's the one you care about more" Trixie rolled his eyes. David was being insecure over nothing, and he didn't have time for it.

" and god, this room smells like alcohol, you really shouldn't drink that much bri" David said, but it sounded like more of a dig than advice.

" wai- wait you can smell it?" Trixies eyes widened at revelation

" um yeah duh. I can practically taste it. Seriously how fucking many have you had?" Trixies head spun from drunkenness and from sadness.

" oh shit." Was all he said as he pushed past David and stumbled down the many hallways it took to get to katyas dressing room.

He threw open the door clumsily, as his limbs were clearly really feeling the drinks set in

" kat I'm so sorry I wasn't even thinking." Trixie sighed stumbling into the room, to find Katya seated on the small sofa.

" wha- trix you need to sit down" Katya said making a quick move to stand up and grab his hand. The feeling of katyas hand around his waist brought comfort as she led him to sit with her.

" I kissed you a lot on stage and I wasn't even thinking about the fact that you could taste the liquor. Im so so sorry" Katya had been sober for two years now, and all Trixie had done was make it harder. Guilt washed over Trixie as he looked for any forgiveness in katyas eyes.

" trix it's okay. I forgive you." Katya assured him placing a small glass of water in his hands.

" no it's not. I promise I won't kiss you anymore" Trixie sighed taking a up of the ice cold water.

" hold up I never said that. You don't have to stop kissing me Mary, I like the kissing" Katya laughed leaning back into the couch " just maybe not when you have a mouth full of vodka okay?"

All Trixie could do was nod and place her head gently on her friends shoulder. They as for a few minutes in absolute silence.

" I'm feeling a bit better, do you want to grab dinner?" Trixie asked raising his head to meet katyas eyes. Was it really fair of him to turn down her own boyfriend just to go ask her best friend? Maybe not, but t the moment it was t important.

" sure. Just let me get out of drag" Katya said standing up letting trixies head slump.

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