Chapter 16: Spur of Emotions

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(A/N): This chapter is 14862 words long (a lot of words). Wattpad estimates that it would take 79-96 minutes to finish it. I put up a few intermission markers for you guys to chill at, so you can return later.

Besides that, I hope you enjoy. Please notify me of any screw-ups I made along the way.


Yukino: "So this will be the slogan for this year's cultural festival. Sagami-san, we should advertise using this slogan immediately."

The slogan read: "Chiba's specialties! Festivals and dancing! We're all fools, so let's dance and Sing and Song!"

We all sat in the committee meeting room. Everyone of the committee members were on time, prepared for work, and paying attention. There wasn't a sound from anyone in the classroom besides Yukino's own voice.

It was a sight to behold, that's for sure. A complete 180 from what it was yesterday.

But of course, how could I forget what happened yesterday? I practically told everyone in the committee room that they were slacking off, getting no work done, and basically trampled on their pride.

Who wouldn't protect their own pride?

Yukino: "Sagami-san, confirm the process of advertisement."

Sagami: "Uh... Okay. Advertising, please."

Suddenly, the people that worked on advertising were up and working. They had posters flying out of the meeting room within moments, and the home page website had already been updated with the new slogan.

Advertising Girl: "Vice-Chair, home page test update complete!

Yukino: "Understood. Sagami-san, confirm."

Sagami: "Huh? Ah... Y-Yeah, okay-"

Yukino: "Upload it to the main server."

Advertising Girl: "Yes, ma'am!"

Most of the students in the classrooms spoke between each other, however it wasn't just mindless chitter chatter. They were actually discussing what plans to have in the future, as well as getting a move on with their work. There were many people writing on paper as fast as they could, even speaking to other committee members at the same time.

Of course, that doesn't mean the work load was getting any easier to deal with.

Someone came up to my desk, dropped two massive stacks of papers on another stack of folders, before leaving without saying a word.

The work was piling up.

Mind you, the side that he placed his papers on was the right side. The left side of my desk was already too high to hold any more papers or folders without it falling off.

Sighing, I continued typing, trying my best to get my own work done before doing anyone else's. It's not my priority that they can't handle their own work without the help of others.

But of course, time can't pass 5 minutes without it kicking me in the ass, as Haruno approached my desk, as smile on her face.

Haruno: "Hey there! Working hard?"

Y/N: "As you can see." I continued typing, trying my best not to be deterred by her needless talking.

Haruno: "Hehhh? It doesn't look like you're working too hard..."

Is she blind or can she not see the towers of folders on my desk? At this point, it's like I'm playing Jenga just to get a folder out from the stacks of paper above and below it, trying to make sure the rest doesn't come crumbling down.

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