"Will You Commit Double Suicide With Me?"

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Ship: Dazai x Atsushi

Au: Overly Trusting Atsushi

"Will you, Atsushi Nakajima, do I, Osamu Dazai, the honor of committing a double suicide with me?"









Atsushi's POV
I sighed, scanning over the papers Dazai shoved in my face earlier. I wonder what he did with his work before I joined. Did he actually do it or did he just hand it off to someone else? I let out another sigh as I looked at the large stack of my own and Dazai's paperwork. I went to fill out another paper when a hand landed over mine. Quickly turning it over and intertwining our fingers. I look up at the culprit, finding the infamous Osamu Dazai looking down at me with a smile not quite reaching his dark brown eyes. I returned the smile, not bothering to remove my hand from his. The truth is, I enjoyed it. "Hey Dazai." I greeted. He did not respond, instead his eyes scanned over me. I hummed, a nervous sweat breaking out on my forehead. I can never tell what this guy is thinking. "Uhm...Dazai? Is there something you need?" I ask, my nerves seriously getting to me. He blinked, as if he just now realized what he was doing. His face lifted into a bright smile. "Ah, Atsushi. I was just wondering if you would accompany me on the roof after work." He said. I hummed, eyes drifting to the large stack. "I don't know, I might have to stay a little later...but if you don't mind waiting I guess I can do that." I responded. He beamed. Grabbing my other hand in his own. "You're such a good friend Atsushi!" He exclaimed. Sometimes I wonder if he has some kind of personality disorder. The way he goes from childish to dead serious in a split second is almost terrifying. I smiled. "Thanks Dazai."

As I finished up the last paper I looked up at the clock. It's been a whole hour since work ended. I wonder if Dazai's still waiting. I shake my head. He probably is, unless this was some prank. I kind of hope it's not. After all, Dazai asked to spend time with me. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The idea that Dazai, someone so amazing, would not only be willing to but personally ask to be around someone like me.

As I made my way up the stairs to the roof I felt doubt creeping in the back of my mind. What if Dazai was going to reveal that he hated me all this time? I shake my head. No, I can't think like that. Even if Dazai did feel that way, I doubt he would say it unless he needed to. One thing I notice about him is the fact that he tends to manipulate others. Though...I wouldn't mind that. I firmly believe Dazai would never do anything without a good reason.

I pushed the door open, struggling a tad since it was fairly heavy. As I stepped onto the roof my eyes were drawn to the sunset. The view was pretty nice up here. My eyes then landed on the one who invited me. Dazai was standing with his hands in the pockets of his tan coat. He was close to the edge of the building. For a second I was scared he might fall. But I relaxed when I remembered that he's Dazai. Despite the countless times he's attempted suicide he's still here, living and breathing. I walk over to him, the cool breeze sending a shiver up my spine. I crossed my arms, rubbing up and down in hopes of warming up. As I approached Dazai slipped off his coat. He held it out to me. I blinked before taking it, realizing he was offering it to me. I slipping it on, the warmth hitting me almost instantly. At the same time I couldn't help but take in the smell. Naturally it smelled like Dazai since it was the coat he almost always wore. I turned to said man. "Dazai, is there a reason you asked me to come here?" I asked. He hums, seemingly in thought, holding his chin. "Well...I have something to ask you."

"Will you, Atsushi Nakajima, do I, Osamu Dazai, the honor of committing a double suicide with me?"









A shocked expression plagued Dazai's normally calm or cheery face. However, I didn't take back my answer. Instead, I stepped closer to him. "Dazai, if you asked me to step off this roof right now, wether it be with you or alone, I would." I said, my voice uncharacteristically firm. I've never been so sure of something before. Did I want to die? I'm not sure. But I do know that if it was Dazai I would do anything.

His expression softened, bringing his hand up to cup my cheek. "You know...I expected you to yell 'no' in a sarcastic way...I want you to know that I would never seriously ask you to die Atsushi." He said, his firm tone with an undertone of care telling me that he really meant it. I nodded. "Okay...but I'm serious Dazai. I'll do anything you ask." I reiterated, making sure he knew. Why was I saying this now? Is it because he asked me such a question? He sighed, removing his hand. "Why?" The simple question caught me off guard. I wasn't quite sure of the answer myself, and yet, I found the unfamiliar words falling from my mouth. "Because, I love you Dazai...I love you so much that all I want to see every day is your smile. I know it's usually fake but...just the idea that you feel even a little spark of joy is enough for me. I love you so much that I don't care if you use and break me because I know you'd have a good reason. I love you so much that I don't care if you return my feelings, I don't care if you hate me with all your heart or forget about me...I just want to see you happy." I rambled. Hot tears started to cloud my vision as they slid down my cheeks. I almost didn't realize when Dazai pulled me into a tight embrace. "Atsushi..." He whispered my name with care. That was enough to stop the sobs that had started to escape my mouth. "I...I Oc's you too but...I'm not the good person you think I am. I've done and probably will do horrendous things. So please, don't blindly follow me...I fear if you do I'll end up taking advantage of and hurting you." He said, his voice cracking. I took in a deep breath, calming my trembling body. I wrapped my arms around him. "Didn't you hear me? I don't care. You can do whatever you want with me. I will always love you, even after I die." I said, pushing my face into his chest. The man shuttered. "That's idiotic...but I guess there's nothing I can do to change your mind is there?" He questioned. I shake my head. He sighs, rubbing his hand through my hair. "I can't guarantee I won't hurt you...but...for my own selfishness, I'll keep you by my side for as long as I can." He said. I pulled away, looking up at him with a soft smile. "I don't think that makes you selfish...after all, you're doing your best to give me the thing I truly want." I said. He looked down at me, eyes sparking with some emotion I couldn't place. "Well then Atsushi...since you'll do anything I ask...will you allow me to kiss you?" He asks with a wink, transitioning back into the version of himself that I normally see. I nod, a small blush creeping on my face.

He leaned down, pressing his soft lips to mine...

I Love Osamu Dazai

-The End-

Just a shorter thing- little angsty.

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