Two Sides Of The Same Coin

174 1 7

Ship: Shin Sokoku

Au: Split Personality Atsushi

I think this idea came from an Ao3 story but I can't remember at this point. Nor can I find it if it does exist.

Kind of funny after I made the draft but before I wrote this, I read a story where it was basically Dazai and Fyodor but it was Dazai split personality and Fyodor as the other person. Que Dazai using it as a chance to mess with everyone. It was pretty good though.

If you find that story on Ao3 then give it a read. 10/10

This is a two parter. And a sprinkle of crack.


Atsushi didn't hate Akutagawa. Well, his body did, but he didn't?

Wait, that didn't make much sense.

Atsushi wasn't the personality that hated Akutagawa, that right goes to the other guy.

Have you heard of dissociative identity disorder?

I'm no doctor so I can't trust myself to properly explain it to you, but that's what Atsushi has.

Inside of his small body are two completely different people.

The original personality, Atsushi, and the one that came along around the same time Beast Beneath The Moonlight developed. This second person was named Byakko.

Byakko was...basically Atsushi's evil side in short. Though he wasn't exactly evil.

Atsushi willed to live, to save lives. He sees the agency as family, especially Kyouka. He's kind, not the brightest sometimes but still smart, and tries his best. He couldn't hate anyone besides himself, not even Shibusawa. Basically he's the side we see normally.

Byakko couldn't care less if he lived or died, only caring to stay alive because he cares for Atsushi. He takes joy in seeing people in pain. Basically a sadist though he hid it when he came out. He hated so many people he couldn't even count, including himself. Though he hates Akutagawa and Shibusawa the most. He does all the fighting and is quite protective of Atsushi. He's rude. Maybe a little smarter then Atsushi and often keeps Atsushi in the dark when the boy doesn't quite understand things like Lucy having an obvious crush on him.

Yes, two somewhat opposing personalities in the same body. Somehow they get along.

They never told anyone about this(of course a certain someone already figured it out ages ago). Byakko didn't really care but Atsushi was worried that his family would shun him for it.

At the orphanage, Atsushi had told people about it but they all thought he was weird or made fun of him for having an 'imaginary friend'. The orphanage staff would punish him for 'lying'.

He definitely hasn't gotten any positive reactions to it. And he doesn't want to lose his family, even if part of him knew they wouldn't be like the people at the orphanage, he just couldn't help it. He loved them.

Of course every lie and truth is revealed eventually.

Atsushi(technically Byakko) and Akutagawa were assigned a mission.

It wasn't difficult for them, in fact they captured the culprits in record time.

It was the aftermath that posed a problem. They got into an argument which wasn't unusual.

"You almost let them get away!" Akutagawa chided the weretiger.

Byakko scowled. He had hesitated when he almost killed the guy and Atsushi warned against it.

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