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Au: Assassin Junichiro

Ship: Junichiro x Naomi
If you don't like then why are you even in this fandom because this is a heavily implied ship if not a sailed ship.
It's not a lot of sexual implications if that makes anyone more comfortable. But I figured if I was gonna make something based on Junichiro I might as well do this ship. Plus I don't write canon ships often. And this is maybe the only canon ship from what I know.

This is inspired by Junichiro's attempted assassination of Mori in the cannibal ark.


Junichiro Tanizaki, one of the younger members of the Armed Detective Agency. Not much was known about his past, just lie many of the other members, though it was assumed that himself and his sister had a good and relatively normal life.

This wasn't all true.

The Tanizaki's were a family of assassins. Any ability users in the family tree had abilities suited for this profession, just like Junichiro with his light snow ability.

Naomi, Junichiro's little sister, didn't know this. See, you're let in on this family secret at a certain age. As the elder, Junichiro was told first. He pleaded with their parents to keep his sister in the dark. They agreed on the terms that Junichiro go through extra training to ensure his capability of protecting the both of them.

Junichiro agreed.

It was tough, many days adding up to years spent training all day and night, while also keeping his sister in the dark. But, in the end, his parents approved of him as an assassin.

Keep in mind that he officially became an assassin at fourteen. He continued as an assassin for four years before being offered a job at the Armed Detective Agency. Since joining, he's sworn off assassination unless it was for the good of civilians.

That was, unless someone threatened his dearest sisters safety.

It happened on a case. Naomi had insisted on tagging along with Junichiro and Atsushi. It was a case that they were working with the police on. Apparently the police were having difficulty with this so the agency was called in.

The problem was a certain cop that would be considered ugly by the standards of many, who just so happened to be a pervert.

Anyways, like I said, he was a pervert. Not sure why anyone would hire him as a cop, he seemed more likely to break a law then enforce it.

The bastard has the audacity to hit on his sister. Of course, Naomi rejected his advances, making it quite clear that she only had eyes for her dearest brother, but the guy just wouldn't back down. It made Junichiro's blood boil and Atsushi to become quite uncomfortable.

Atsushi was about to say something when Junichiro gestured for him to keep quite.

Junichiro pulled Naomi behind him, as if shielding her from the man. "Listen. She doesn't like you. Please back off." He said as calmly as physically possible. The cop snorted. "Or what? You're gonna sick your agency pals on me?" He mocked.

Junichiro's fists clenched at his sides.

Die. Die. Die. Die. Die.

Naomi took Junichiro's hand in hers. "It's okay brother! I know this perv won't lay a finger on me as long as you here. Only you're allowed to touch me~" She practically purred.

Atsushi watched Naomi calm her brother with wide eyes. They're bond was really deep. He wishes he had something like that. But he was happy for his friends.

"Hey um. Maybe we should get back to the case?" He suggested. Junichiro turned his attention to his friend, sending a hateful glare at the cop who seemed taken aback. "Right, let's get to work."

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