I'll Follow You, Always: Part 2

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I died in this second part but I had to finish the story. This is really just an overview of the events. Not much dialogue.


Warnings: This does include the canon typical Tanizaki siblings relationship, but less sexual and more romantic.


Five days passed since Atsushi's presence in the Mafia was made known to Dazai. This also makes five days since they confessed their love to each other. And five days since Atsushi became Dazai's subordinate again.

No one besides Mori knew about Atsushi being in the Mafia, though the few that saw him come in the day he joined figured something happened then, especially after Atsushi was reported missing.

They were all surprised when the news of Dazai's subordinate spread. Chuuya was especially shocked, and also annoyed. He only met the weretiger properly once, but that was enough to give the redhead the impression that the weretiger was completely unsuited for Mafia life. He figured the bastard Dazai did something to manipulate his subordinate, but didn't say that.

Additionally, having an extra member on the team was annoying. Apparently the weretiger had to accompany the mackerel on all missions. He didn't interfere per-say...but Dazai kept using him as a shield to avoid Chuuya's wrath. It was infuriating because Chuuya simply could not bring himself to yell at Atsushi or cause an harm to him. He ultimately decided that getting at the waste of bandages wasn't worth that. Though it still pissed him off.

Atsushi enjoyed going on missions with Dazai. For now they've all been quite missions. The news of their mafia identities has still failed to reach the agency. That wouldn't be the case for much longer.

Regardless, watching Dazai annoy the hell out of Chuuya reminded him of the old days with Kunikida. He fully admitted to missing his friends at the agency. He had grown to see them almost like a family. Even so, he would never be as devoted to them as he was Dazai.

Like I said, it wasn't long before the time to announce the return of the demon prodigy to the agency in the form of a formal letter to the President. They purposely excluded Atsushi from this announcement. Might as well let the shock of Dazai returning to the Mafia sink in before hitting them again, even harder.

Also, Mori wanted to give Atsushi more time to train his ability while 'All men are equal' was still taking its effects on him. Simply because he wanted to avoid casualties. Not because he had grown fond of the boy and wanted to keep him safe, such behavior was beneath him.

Scratch that. He had most definitely grown fond of Atsushi. In his defense, it was difficult not to. Atsushi was sweet, even now, after killing so many people by order of Mori. At first, Mori wanted nothing but to use the boy to keep his beloved demon prodigy in his clutches, maybe even make another doll, just for fun.

Over time, those plans were partially scrapped. He still intended to use Atsushi as leverage, but he couldn't bring himself to break the boy into a mindless doll like he had tried to do with Dazai(only somewhat succeeding in that).

Additionally, whenever he mentioned Dazai, the boys eyes always lit up with admiration. It was almost funny in a way, that anyone could hold such admiration to a suicidal mafioso turned detective turned mafioso, who had many a crime to his name. Mori was almost happy for Dazai, and maybe a little jealous. Jealous that he got such a sweet boy as his lover.

Anyways. Moving on from the sad life of Ougai Mori.

The agency was in utter disbelief, except for Ranpo, who was certain of Dazai rejoining the Mafia. The President, remaining calm, decided to officially fire him, he could always rehire him later on if this turned out to be one of his crazy schemes. Kunikida almost tore the paper apart as he reread the words over and over again. "That bastard..." He had repeated, over and over again. Kenji made positive remarks like 'I'm sure Dazai will be fine!' and 'maybe it's one of those crazy prank things that you city folk do!'. It was a little comforting in the end.

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