You're My Dad!?

288 6 76

Au: Mori and Atsu father and son

Ship: Platonic Mori x Atsu but I think it's toxic.
Yeah, pretty sure this is a toxic relationship.


I said I would write it.

Note: Angst- at least I'm trying. Also splitting this into multiple parts.

Also there isn't much angst in this part. I swear the next part will have more!

This boy's blood is pure white.

Like the ideal Angel.

For such blood to be tainted black...

That will take much time.

Pure Black.

That's how it should be.

Atsushi Nakajima, 18 years old, an orphaned child.

Atsushi sometimes had moments when he wondered what his parents were like.

He didn't think they were very good. Perhaps not as bad as the headmaster.

They didn't die and leave him behind in the process. They abandoned him.

Some part of Atsushi wanted to meet them, another part prayed they never crossed paths.

If he had a bad bone in his body, that bone would hope the bastards were dead.

That would be half incorrect.

Atsushi's mother was long dead, murdered no less.

As for his father...well, I'm sure you already have a good guess.

No need to spell it out.

Atsushi enjoyed working at the agency. He was surrounded by the ones he called friends. Plus, he felt as if he had a purpose in life now. Like he was really proving the headmaster and all the others wrong.

Atsushi would do almost anything for the agency. Sure he couldn't think of anything he absolutely wouldn't do...(he did not know of sex)...but better to say 'almost anything' then 'anything'.

His mentor, Dazai, did confuse him at times but he liked the guy. But...the constant suicide attempts worried him. He would also be the closest Atsushi had ever had to a least one that felt like a father in his eyes.

Kunikida was strict, but he was also like the mom Atsushi never had. Sometimes he thought Kunikida and Dazai fought like a married couple. That only fueled his sight of them as parents.

Ranpo was...a little rude, though he never really hurt Atsushi's feelings. Actually, Atsushi kind of appreciated how blunt and straightforward the guy was. And making trips to get sweets for his superior gave him a break from paperwork.

Kyouka was wonderful. Atsushi always made sure to respect her boundaries. She was one of the few people that Atsushi's knew was also an orphan. Though he thought she had it worse. After all, her parents loved her and they were killed right in front of her.

That had to be horrible. Maybe that was why her eyes looked so dull, they were the same ones that bare witness to such a scene.

The Tanizaki siblings relationship left Atsushi questioning lots of things. But he didn't bring it up. Both out of respect for his colleagues, and because he was told not to question it. Other wise both of them are very nice. Atsushi admired how protective they were of one another. It meant they were really close.

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