You Can Only See The People Who Care About You

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Decided to turn this Gacha trend into a fanfiction.

Ship- Bum Bum Bum

Au- Not really sure.

POV's: Atsushi and Dazai.

One thing that isn't clear about this trend is wether or not you can hear the people you can't see, and I'm going with No for this.


Dazai's POV

I was just wrapping new bandages around my arm this morning when words suddenly appeared in front of me.

'You Can Only See The People Who Care About You'

It said. I had laughed, thinking that I wouldn't be able to see anyone. After all, who would care about me?

Though I have switched to the good side, I still annoy my coworkers, especially Kunikida.

So why is it that when I came in today, I could see everyone?

Everyone in the agency was there, all working away. Even Kunikida was.

This makes me believe that the words I saw this morning must have been my imagination. Despite the fact that the streets on the way here were empty, as were the buildings. So, I haven't mentioned it.

Now I am currently doing some work. Of course I was taking my sweet time with it. I don't want to bother Atsushi has he seems very focused on his work.

"Hey Dazai, did you get a weird message this morning?" Kunikida suddenly asked me.

I looked up with my usual poker face. "What do you mean Kunikida?" I asked, already having an idea of what it was.

Kunikida sighed. "This morning, words appeared in front of me. I believe it said. 'You can only see the people who care about you.' I did notice that the streets were empty as I was heading here. Though it seems everyone here at the agency is present." He said.

I frowned, having to admit that this was true. I really can only see the people who care about me. And it seems everyone in the agency cares about me.

I put on a smile, my usual mask.

"Actually, I also had that message. How lovely. I can see everyone in the agency. I'm honored!" I said, gesturing dramatically.

Kunikida sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose. "I wonder if this was the work of an ability. Well, it must have been. But why target us? I'd have to ask, but I believe the other members may have gotten a message as well." He contemplated.

I shrugged. "Not really sure. Abilities aren't supposed to affect me so it is strange. I say we just leave it be and hope it goes away."

Kunikida huffed. "I would hope it does. Not being able to see people will be a hinderance for us."


Kunikida went around asking the members if they had gotten the message. All of them replied with yes.

I observed as he approached Atsushi, the last to be questioned.

"Oi brat. I have something to ask you." He started.

The strange part was that Atsushi did not respond, still typing away at his agency-issued laptop.

This really got my attention. Atsushi did not ignore people.

Kunikida tried again, no response.

This caught the attention of a few people.

Kenji piped up. "Atsushi?" He questioned, coming up beside the boy.

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