The Dazai Love-Pocalypse Day 2

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Upon waking up Dazai was greeted with a red-headed vessel of a god sleeping peacefully while leaning against him. After resting on the couch Dazai had calmed down a bit and was now functioning a little more normal. Though he didn't want to just push the slug off of him. Both because he wasn't sure how the man would react to that while in a loving Dazai state, or even if the man was still in that state, and because for once, Chuya was peaceful. He wasn't yelling at Dazai for whatever reason and he wasn't clinging to him like the dog he is. Dazai kind of liked this.

The second thing he noticed when waking up was the absence of the rat Dostoevsky. That worried Dazai. For all he knew Fyodor could be the one behind all this. It certainly seems like something he would do. Though Dazai was a little thrown off by it. If he was the cause of this then he most likely wouldn't be affected. And Dazai doubted that man would go so far with acting just to get in his head or whatever. Than again, Fyodor was crazy. He sighed, figuring he could look into it once he encountered the man again. He figured it likely.

As he went to stand he was quickly pulled back down into a warm embrace from non other then Chuya Nakahara. The man that was meant to hate Osamu Dazai. Dazai froze for a brief moment but quickly regained his composure. "Ah, Chuya~ I didn't know my little chibi was awake." He said in a flirtatious manner. He couldn't help it. He loved messing with the slug, even in this state. Chuya hummed, rather then punching Dazai for pointing out his height. "Dear...I want to cuddle." He mumbled, the hint of a demanding tone in his sleep-laced voice. Dazai sighed. "Ah but Chuya~ I must go to work." He said with a louder sigh at the mention of work. Chuya shook his head. "No no. You're co-workers can cover your work...stay here with me please." He pleaded. Glancing at Chuya was a mistake for Dazai. Upon seeing the man's puppy dog eyes Dazai's heart melted and he gave in, leaning into Chuya. "Fine...we can cuddle for an hour or so but after that I really do have important work today that only I can do." He said definitively. Chuya nodded, content with this outcome. As Chuya cuddled Dazai, the bandaged man studied the chibi's face. His eyes seemed distant, like he wasn't really there. It seemed appropriate since his mind was likely being affected by an ability. But beyond that, Dazai would see the unusual happy expression. Chuya was not a particularly happy person. So this...was a wonderful sight in the end.

After escaping the clutches of Chuya, seeing as the chibi ended up drifting off to sleep, Dazai made his way to work. He was a heavy sleeper so Dazai had no problems sneaking out of his own apartment without waking the man. When he arrived at work he was greeted with warm smiles from everyone in the room. He notices Atsushi was not present like he usually was. He was about to go grab the stack of papers that he would usually find on his desk to put on Atsushi's desk. Instead he found that his desk was void of papers. He turned to his partner, Kunikida, in search of an answer. "Kunikida, how come there's no work for me? Am I being fired or something?" He asked, clearly joking about the last part. Doppo Kunikida shook his head, pushing his glasses up his nose. "No, we would never fire you Dazai...we all care about you. In fact, we decided to no longer give you any work. In other words, you'll get paid without having to lift a finger." He said. Kenji jumped up. "Hey! I heard Atsushi is planning a surprise for you Dazai!" He exclaimed. Dazai hummed, thinking through this events. "Is it just me, or has this whole 'loving' me thing gotten worse?" He mumbled to himself. No one questioned what he said. Chuya being all needy, the agency no longer giving him work but still paying him, and Atsushi apparently planning a surprise(though it's not much of a surprise now). Dazai sighs. "Alrighty then, I suppose I'll be on my way."

As Dazai walked around town he saw a few members of the Port Mafia watching him from afar. Namely Akutagawa. He wondered how Akutagawa would react to his praise while affected by this ability. Considering he passed out when he did it normally...yeah, Dazai wasn't going to try it no matter how priceless his expression may be.

When he arrived home he was once again met by the two, Chuya and Fyodor. Dazai had sighed and excepted his fate as he joined the two on the couch for a dinner of ramen. He sat between the two, Chuya immediately latching onto his arm with no regards to the fact that he had to eat too. Dazai mentioned this but Chuya just shook his head, insisting on holding the taller. Meanwhile, Fyodor decided to feed Dazai. Dazai didn't mind, that just meant he could sit back and relax while the food came to him. It was peaceful.

When Chuya had fallen asleep(he seemed to be very tired, probably spending all day obsessing over Dazai during work), Fyodor and Dazai were left to talk alone. "So," Dazai started, "tell me the truth, are you the one behind everyone 'loving me'?" He asked, not bothering to dance around the question like he normally would. Fyodor shrugged. "Perhaps, I can't seem to recall...I have to admit I find this all strange. No one seems to realize they're being affected by an ability aside from myself..though I can't seem to remember much from before's a struggle to think about anything but you." He said. Well, at least Dazai had the comfort of knowing Fyodor was self-aware. That just meant it would be all the more fun to hold this over his head later. Dazai sighed. "I see, so it could've been you and you yourself don't even peculiar. I didn't notice anything wrong with others memories..." He said, mostly to himself. Fyodor hummed. "Well, I think thoughts of you have clouded our minds to the point that we may very well become mindless zombies, except instead of brains we would be after your affection. That being said, I think we can think and remember things as long as you cause us to. Though please don't take advantage over anyone, if you are capable of stopping this, which I have no doubt you can, I don't believe your friends would be very happy with you." He said, rambling on a bit. Perhaps this ability has also affected his speech patterns. Dazai laughed. "Ah, no, I won't abuse this newfound power...though, tell me Fyodor..." He trails off, taking in a breath and moving so he's almost on top of the Russian, cupping his face in the hand that wasn't supporting his weight, "What exactly is it that you love about me?" He asks, leaning in as if he was going to kiss the man. Of course he didn't. Fyodor squinted his eyes in thought. "I love how you're so manipulative of others emotions but fundamentally weak when it comes to your own. I love how you're able to compete with me and even beat me. I love how you smile despite not being happy just to make others feel okay. I love how you can go from goofy to dead serious in a millisecond. I love...everything about you Osamu." He said, leaning closer himself. Dazai had only been messing around and so he was a bit caught off guard by the detailed answer. He would have thought the ability would make him unable to come up with a reason, or that he would come up with a reason like, 'you're handsome', or something. Though his reply made Dazai's heart skip a beat. For a moment he believes the rat actually meant it. However, he quickly snapped out of it, reminding himself that Fyodor is manipulative and could very well be lying about being under the affects. He can't trust a word he says. In response, Dazai chuckled. "Wow, I guess you really do love me...I'll have to ask Chibi the same question tomorrow...I wonder what sappy stuff he'll come up with." He says, an amused smile on his face. Fyodor hums, closing his eyes and slumping against the couch. "I'm tired..." He said, almost immediately falling asleep. Dazai blinked, not expecting that. "I wonder if this ability is making them tired somehow. Seems likely considering how Chibi keeps falling asleep so much..."

-To Be Continued-

Totally did not forget about Atsushi's surprise :D I don't know what you're talking about.

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