A Bond Made My Blood

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Au: Vampire Dazai and Atsushi

Lol- basically reverse from the manga.

Ships: Sokoku, Shin Sokoku

The thin- clearly malnourished- boy curled in on himself as he leaned against the dumpster in the dark alley.

How long had it been?

Maybe a week, no, longer than that.

Atsushi Nakajima was scared and confused. Ever since some random stranger bit him, almost draining him of his blood, he's felt strange. Whenever he sees another human he can feel himself salivating as if that human was a delicious thanksgiving turkey. And on the few occasions he had managed to catch a whiff of that metallic scent, he had to pinch himself to keep from running to the source in desperation. He didn't know what has happened to him.

He didn't know he had become a vampire.

Vampires aren't widely known. Though it is rumored that no vampire can have a supernatural ability. After all, that would be too overpowered. After being kicked out of the orphanage he was treated so horribly in, Atsushi Nakajima was attacked by a vampire. Having survived the attack, he himself became one of the bloodsuckers. Contrary to some beliefs, Vampires have no problems with the sun. Though I can't say for sure wether they have weakness to wooden steaks or garlic. You'd have to ask a vampire. Though, if it were true, not many would live to tell the tale.

Atsushi has never heard of vampires. He didn't get the luxury of stories as a child. So now here he was, dying from hunger because he didn't know he was supposed to drink blood to survive. He didn't know what it was he wanted.


As the frail boy shivered in the cold autumn air, another individual was passing by that very alley when a small movement caught his eye. He paused, turning to inspect it. He could just barely see the bare feet poking out from the other side of the dumpster. The man looked around before approaching.

Atsushi tensed when he heard rapid footsteps approaching. He shut his eyes tight, hoping whoever it was would just leave. He would later thank whatever divine being was out there that the man did not leave.

The brown-haired man stopped in front of the white-haired boy. "Ah- what do we have here?" He asked. His tone seemed amused. Atsushi risked a peak, opening his unusually dark red eyes to meet the dark brown eyes, that, although cliche, reminded him of chocolate. The man hummed, eyes roaming over the boy. "Are you a vampire?" He questioned. Atsushi blinked, processing the question. He struggled to find his voice but eventually managed to make a sort of confused noise. The man smiled. It was a kind smile, like he was about to do something nice. "So a new vampire? Are you having trouble talking?" He inquired. Atsushi shrugged off the first question and nodded at the second. The man chuckled before slipping his hand into his pocket. When his hand returned it was clutching onto a small notebook and pen. "I keep this on me just in case I need to write notes. You can never truly trust your memory." He said, handing the items to the boy. The boy looked at them in wonder for a moment. It wasn't often he had the luxury of paper and pencil. Much less an entire notebook and pen. He shook himself out of the wonder. It wasn't like it was his to keep. He opened up to the first blank page he found. His handwriting wasn't great but an average person would have been able to make out the words 'wha it a vampre". The bad spelling and lack of punctuation of any kind was the least of the man's worries. The problem was, this fledgling didn't even know what a vampire was. He sighed. "A vampire is like a human except they are stronger and faster. Some can even turn into bats. Though the main difference is the fact that us vampires survive by drinking blood." He explained, trying to keep it simple while covering all the basics. Atsushi blinked before nodding in understanding. The man noted that he seems awfully calm for someone who just learned that they now had to feast on other creatures blood. Then the boy scribbled something else on the paper. He raised it for the man to see. "R u a vampre 2" this time the spelling was even worse, leaving the man to seriously wonder what kind of bad childhood this kid might have had to end up with a bad education. The man nodded with a smile. "That I am...though my eyes aren't red like yours since I recently ate." He said. He took in a breath before continuing. "That being said. Your eyes are almost blood red. That's never a good sign. If I let them get that color then you'll go on a rampage...what ever should I do?" He said in mock thought. Then his eyes brightened as he pulled up the right sleeve of his beige overcoat. He extended his arm to the boy. "See, I'm offering my blood to you. All you have to do is bite into my arm, suck my blood, and you'll be right as rain. Maybe even better then normal depending on how much you drink. Atsushi looked between the man's arm and face before grabbing the arm. He simply could not resist his urges any longer. Squeezing his eyes shut, he sunk his teeth into the flesh. The man didn't even wince.

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