Ginger Alliance

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Yes- I am now making the story

Ship: Sokoku

Originally was gonna make this a funny thing but ended up making it a tad bit angsty and romantic. Also little plot and just Chuuya being panic mode and Dazai being like- dude, get a grip and open your small eyes.

This might be a crackfic

This takes place before the alliance against the guild.


On a sunny day in the shadowy bass of the notorious Port Mafia, a certain under appreciated ginger approached a chibi executive. "Hey Chuuya!!" Tachihara called out as the executive was about to enter his office. The shorter male turned on his heel towards the lower ranked ginger. "What's up Tachihara?" He asked as Tachihara stopped in front of him, towering over him just a bit. It pissed the Chibi off but he didn't mention it. The black lizard smiled. "Well, I had this random idea. How about we make a ginger alliance?" He suggested. Chuuya blinked once then twice more. "A ginger alliance?" He repeated. The thought intrigued him but he wouldn't admit it. He was an executive of the Port Mafia, a dignified man who was above such childish things. That said, the Chibi turned away from his fellow Mafioso with a huff, crossing his arms. "Yeah, no. That sounds horrible." He grumbled. Tachihara sighed, but not in defeat for he had expected this answer. He inches closer to the man, a playful smirk on his face. "You know~ I was planning one of our activities to be messing with Dazai~" He all but whispered. That caught the executive's attention immediately. "Mess with Dazai? Hmmm. Fine. But only if it's to get back at that bandage wasting device." He agreed, trying to fake hesitation but failing miserably. Tachihara beamed. "Great!!"

"Operation: Surprise Dazai!" Tachihara announced as he pulled out a whiteboard on wheels. He took a stick, pointing at a very well draw portrait of Dazai. Chuuya almost smiled, not knowing that Tachihara was an artist but also resisting the urge to ruin his work. Tachihara had a prideful air about him. "So, as we know Dazai is super good at concealing his emotions. That means we could surprise him but never get a reaction. Case in point- the main goal here is getting a genuine reaction out of him." He explained. Chuuya nodded along. "We could put a bomb in his house!" He suggested, still salty about the bomb that bastard put under his car when he left the Mafia. Tachihara shook his head, making a clicking sound with his tongue. "No, no. He would expect that. Especially from you. In order to through him off I have two solutions. 1: I do something you would do, naturally he would think you did it but when he discovers it was actually me, he'll be all like "Whaaaat? Tachihara?!" And bam! Reaction. 2: You do something you would absolutely never put on a dress or something. This comes with some risk because we did to choose something that will get a surprised reaction rather then a teasing reaction that something like putting on a dress would result in." He explained. Chuuya figured he put a lot of thought into this. He never knew Tachihara could be so strategic and shit. He supposed that's normal when you spend more time with someone who you usually only see in a work setting. "Right...yeah, I'd never put on a dress and I sure as hell do not want to deal with his teasing. Maybe giving him a gift...or not wearing my hat?" He mumbled to himself, flashes of a surprised expression on the bastards face. He thought back to his time with him too. The only time he saw the guy surprised was a brief moment when he revealed he was the vessel of Arahabaki. He could always make up a big dark secret and reveal it too him but as annoying as he is, the bastard can sniff out a lie a mile away. Tachihara tapped his foot on the ground, falling into deep thought. He didn't want to come up with something that would only end up with Dazai teasing his superior. That would only serve to create bad blood between them. Then a thought came to mind. "Oh- since we're doing a ginger alliance I remember there being a ginger in the Armed Detective Agency...if we get him to join then maybe he can provide some insight on what might surprise Dazai." He suggested. Chuuya blinked, kind of surprised by the idea. "Well I guess that could work...though we should be careful in case he attacks us." He cautioned. Tachihara nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's go!"

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