You're My Dad?! Part 2

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Before reading: fist warning that this is not the final part as I had planned and at the bottom of this story I asked you readers for what you would like to see next as I am running out of ideas here.

Random: Just the thought that there are a bunch of people in this anime that are from different countries that speak different languages. Like the guilds from the Us/ Canada or something idk, Fyodor's from Russia, etc. so my question is. Do they all just know English/whatever language it's in, or are they all actually speaking their countries language and everyone knows at least enough of the other languages to communicate? And it's just translated to whatever language so we know what is being said?
Like, Fyodor's just speaking in Russian and whoever's speaking to him, let's use Dazai as example, is speaking Japanese. But they know enough of the others language to communicate.
I guess for those two it makes sense, I could imagine them being fluent in several languages. But everyone else?

If you read this, let me know which you think it is?

Everyone speaks their native tongue.

Everyone speaks English/language you are watching it in.

Slightly inspired by beast as the only reference for Mafia Atsushi.


Alright, Part 2


It had been approximately one week since Atsushi was brought into the Mafia. One week since he had put on a painful collar as he stood by Mori's side. One week since he became Elise's resident playmate.

One week since the barrier of pure light that guarded Atsushi's heart started to crack.

Let's start with being in the Mafia.

He actually hadn't met any people. Just as Mori had said, he spent his days in that very room. Not once coming out. Atsushi didn't mind. At least it was better then being stuck in a cold and dirty cell for weeks on end.

The only ones to come by Mori's office that week were executives Koyo and Chuuya. Though when they came by, Atsushi was instructed to hide under Mori's desk where they couldn't see him.

He wasn't told why, even when he asked. He didn't mind too much.

Mori would run his fingers through Atsushi's hair, mostly just to fiddle with something. Though he did enjoy seeing his son happy.

One might think this in a naughty way due to the pedophilic nature of the Port Mafias boss. But it really wasn't. It was a completely wholesome father and son relationship. Got that? Good.

Though it wasn't all great.

The collar was Mori's idea. The first night after being released from Fukuzawas ability, Atsushi had struggled with his own ability under the moonlight.

He didn't fully transform but he kept shifting between tiger and human.

The next day Mori came in with a present. A jeweled collar with sharp spikes on the inside. It scared Atsushi at first. It was beautiful but also looked like it would kill whoever wore it.

That would be true, except he had the ability of regeneration.

Mori had insisted he wear the collar at all times, even though he was only supposed to loose control under the moonlight.

Basically it stabbed into his neck, forcing the regeneration aspect of his ability to take charge.

It was helpful, he no longer struggled under the moonlight so he was appreciative of that.

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