Ch.3 S.3

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I was standing tall in the end. I then stood still as I looked around the rocky land and fire pillars. And the lifeless fox at my feet

Satan: "I guess I'm still lonely in the end"

But quickly brushing off any thoughts I then picked up a random rock to try out this new ability

I then moved my hand in the air and the rock sliding in between what felt like putting your hand Inside water. I then took my hand out of the air curtain and the rock was gone

Satan: "useful..."

I then reached back inside and took out the rock and threw it to the side. Though this space was useful I don't know what I could store inside for the time being. I wanted that robe that the fox was wearing but since my cross pierced her chest I'm pretty sure the robe effect might have gone with it as well.

But as I was going to leave I noticed that she was holding onto a book. Out of curiosity I picked up the book and found out it was a diary

Satan: "who even uses these?"

I then flipped open the book and started to read it just to help pass the time until I left this planet

Day: 20
It's honestly been hard to live here since the doom of our world. Me and my brother have been training when it happened. The heavenly war started a—and our planet is now in ruins because of that demon monkey!
My brother left and Im running out of food I'm going to have to eat my family and other corpses that lay in this wasteland that's not even a planet anymore.
Day: 35
I have been saving the flesh of everyone of my own race and until I finally found some plant life and I can finally sto— *tears make the last part unreadable*
Day: 55
My farm has been going well even though it's pretty far from my hut but at least I have food and I finally have time to actually pray to the fallen and the war is almost over and my brother will return and I can hopefully live with him in the heavenly realm!"
Day: 68
My brother hasn't returned yet and the war has been over for awhile now. I'm worried that he may never return and that monkey killed him. I—*tears cut off the most of the sentence* I'm afraid of losing my mind here!

Satan: "boring!"

I then threw the book into one of the flaming pillars and was going to take a nap until my stomach started aching

I then threw the book into one of the flaming pillars and was going to take a nap until my stomach started aching

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Satan: "hm I'm kinda hungry. Where did she leave that farm?"

After walking for a bit I found her farm or well used to be farm. I'm guessing she went mad and ruined everything and probably tried to starve herself

Satan: "what a waste of food..."

But I grabbed the left over vegetables and ate them happily as it seem she destroyed This farm not that long ago

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