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Jennie POV

"Should I say my thanks for bringing me here?"

We are in the wedding reception of Lisa's cousin. Naturally for her skipping the wedding ceremony and straight to eating.

"You're welcome. Wendy's not around so... Thanks for subbing?" Lisa's avoiding looking at me.

"And hey it's the first Manoban of the new generation broke the record and got married. This is a milestone, you should witness it." Lisa sound unimpressed.

The hall is packed with people dancing and drinking and celebrating. It looks like the entire town showed up for this party. We see four men drunkenly sing/shouting The Spice Girl's "Wannabe" as everyone cheers.

The room is bursting with uninhibited joy. While Lisa smiling and toasting to her relatives lazily.

We sat at the back, I have a small plate of food and Lisa seems to be drinking her meal -- knocking back a shot of whiskey and then chasing it with a pint of Guiness.

"Well, at least there's still a Manoban who is in his right mind."

She belches in response. I rolled my eyes.

"What? I hate weddings. I told you. All this? Pointless." Lisa grabs a champagne from a passing waiter.

"Yet somehow you're the one who's helping me to get married."

Lisa doesn't respond. Just chug downs the champagne.

Meanwhile, the bride takes the mic up on stage.

"I want to toast my husband!"

Everyone cheers and clinks their spoons on their glasses, demanding that they kiss. She grabs her new husband and they go at it. Everybody whistles.

The Bride steadies herself at the mic.

"All right then. All right. Whoo! Now I'm nervous all of a sudden. Glad I wrote something down."

She hikes up her gown and pulls some notepaper out her garter. The men whistle. Lisa's cousin puts his fists up comically, like he'll fight them all.

"Oi! That's my wife you're whistling at!"

"My love," The bride seems so proud.

Lisa finds this all too cloying. Rolls her eyes. She refills her whiskey from a bottle on the table.

"Sweetheart. It's hard to believe we are finally married. When I look at you beside me, I think of all the wonderful memories we've shared in such a short time --"

Lisa laughs sarcastically. She's so off today.

"Really? She's not gonna mention the shit memories? What a surprise... You better make it grand on your wedding." Lisa whispered to me.

"Shh!" I moved her whiskey away, she had enough. She simply moves it back. The bride continues.

"And the thousands more we'll create together. You, me, and the children we've yet to have."

"They just would end up in a not so fair divorce, that lady will get half of his money and he will not see the kids ever again." She laughs. I turn to her, aghast. Lisa zips her lip.

"And to my best friend, thank you for letting me know this fine gentleman right here..."

The bride raised her glass to the guy on one of the tables. He awkwardly stood up and claps. He's trying to smile but he seems so sad.

I looked at Lisa, waiting for the snide comment. But she's listening now...

"I'll be forever grateful to you. Because now I couldn't live a day without my husband in my life."

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